
Had a short delay here getting all the documents put together and for my Fiancee hospitalisation and operation. Hopefully we are reday to file now, could you cast your eye of the floowing and let me know if there is anything I have missed please, I want to give us the best chance that we can have.

Thanks as Always - DavRog

1. Visa Application (Copy of Online Submission)
2. Sponsor Introduction Letter
3. Bank Records
a. ACF – Landbank Opening Account Letter Of Confirmation -(BANK01)
b. ACF – Landbank Terms And Conditions 1 - (BANK02)
c. ACF – Landbank Terms And Conditions 2 - (BANK03)
d. DJR – Bank Account 1 Statements - (BANK04)
e. DJR – Bank Account 1 Statements - (BANK05)
f. ACF – Bank Account Statement – (BANK06)
4. Birth Certificates
a. ACF – Birth Certificate Civil Register - (BIRTH01)
b. DJR – Birth Certificate - (BIRTH02)
c. ACF – Birth Certificate National Statistics Office - (BIRTH03)
5. Communication
c. ACF/DJR – Facebook- (COMMUNICATION03)
6. Divorce/Marital Status
a. DJR – Decree Absolute – (DIVORCE01)
7. Driving Licence
a. DJR – Licence Paper Copy – (DRIVERLICENCE01)
b. DJR – Licence Card Copy – (DRIVERLICENCE02)
8. Education
a. ACF – Grades Official Transcript Records – (EDUCATION01)
b. ACF – University Of Cebu Diploma – (EDUCATION02)
c. ACF – University Of Cebu Certificate Of Good Morals – (EDUCATION03)
9. Employment
a. ACF – EDC Employment Contract 11/04/2011 – (EMPLOYMENT01a)
b. ACF – EDC Employment Contract 26/04/2011 – (EMPLOYMENT01b)
c. ACF – EDC Employment Contract 16/05/2011 – (EMPLOYMENT01c)
d. ACF – EDC Employment Contract 21/06/2011 – (EMPLOYMENT01d)
e. ACF – EDC Nurse Retainer ID – (EMPLOYMENT02)
f. DJR – Vismagic Employment Letter / Income – (EMPLOYMENT03)
g. DJR – Decim8 Employment Letter/Income – (EMPLOYMENT04)
h. DJR – Proof Of Decim8 Directorship – (EMPLOYMENT05)
i. DJR – Proof Of Decim8 Share Holding – (EMPLOYMENT06)
j. DJR – Vismagic Contract / Terms Of Engagement – (EMPLOYMENT07)

10. English Proof To C1 Standard
a. VAF 4A English Language Requirement Form - (ENGLISH01)
b. Bachelors Degree Letter Dean University Of Cebu Verification – (ENGLISH02)

11. Income
a. ACF – EDC Cheque 4,500p 11/04/2011 EDC Contract – (INCOME01)
b. ACF – EDC Deposit Slip 4,500p 11/04/2011 EDC Contract – (INCOME02)
c. ACF – EDC Deposit Slip 9,450p 26/04/2011 EDC Contract – (INCOME03)
d. ACF – EDC Cheque ?,???p 16/05/2011 EDC Contract – (INCOME04) – DO YOU HAVEyou
e. ACF – EDC Deposit Slip 16/05/2011 EDC Contract – (INCOME05) – DO YOU HAVEyou
f. ACF – EDC Cheque 21/06/2011 EDC Contract – (INCOME06) – DO YOU HAVEyou
g. ACF – EDC Deposit Slip 21/06/2011 EDC Contract – (INCOME07) – DO YOU HAVEyou
12. Invoices Outstanding
a. DJR – Vismagic APR INV ?????? - ??/??/???? - £?????? (INVOICE001)
b. DJR – Vismagic MAY INV ?????? - ??/??/???? - £?????? (INVOICE002)
c. DJR – Vismagic JUN INV ?????? - ??/??/???? - £?????? (INVOICE003)
d. DJR – Delmonico Consultancy APR INV ?????? - ??/??/???? - £?????? (INVOICE004)
13. Marriage Arrangements UK
a. ACF/DJR – Registry Office Booking (MARRIAGE01)
14. Money Transfers
a. DJR/ACF – Money Gram 01/09/2010 (MONEYTRANSFER01)
b. DJR/ACF – Money Gram 26/10/2010 (MONEYTRANSFER02)
c. DJR/ACF – Money Gram 11/11/2010 (MONEYTRANSFER03)
d. DJR/ACF – Money Gram 15/02/2011 (MONEYTRANSFER04)
e. DJR/ACF – Money Gram 08/03/2011 (MONEYTRANSFER05)
f. DJR/ACF – Money Gram 20/04/2011 (MONEYTRANSFER06)
15. NBI Verification
a. ACF – NBI Record Clearance (NBI01)
16. Nursing
a. ACF - Nursing ID Health Providers Course (NURSING01)
b. ACF - Nursing Professional ID Front (NURSING02)
c. ACF - Nursing Professional ID Back (NURSING03)
d. ACF - Nursing Pass Certification And Grades (NURSING04)
17. Passports
a. ACF – Passport Copy – (PASSPORT01)
b. DJR – Passport Copy (Verified Lawyer) – (PASSPORT02)
18. Pictures Couple In Philippines (Inc Landmarks)
a. Various Photo Shots From Last Trip (PICTURES01)
b. Various Photo Shots From Last Trip (PICTURES01)
19. Profiles/ Resumes
a. ACF – Profile (PROFILE01)
b. DJR – Profile (PROFILE02)
20. Residential
a. DJR – Proof Of Residency (RESIDENTIAL01)
b. ACF – Postal ID Front (RESIDENTIAL02)
c. ACF – Postal ID Back (RESIDENTIAL03)
21. Tax Records – ACF
a. ACF – Application For Tax Registration (TAX01)
22. Travel Proof
a. DJR – Proof Of Philippines Visits (Verified Lawyer) – (TRAVEL01)
b. DJR – Air Ticket Booking October/ November 2010 – (TRAVEL02)
c. DJR/ACF – Air Ticket Provisional Booking August 2011 – (TRAVEL03)
23. Will and Testament
a. DJR – Last Will And Testament Re ACF (WILL01)