Good Morning....

I was in your position last month....

I am in UK now and my unmarried partner is in Manila. We have a 3 month old baby. I am the father and my name is on the birth certificate.

My partner sent to me by express post the birth certificate. Two passport photos.

Completed the application form. A witness must verify they have known YOU as father for atleast 2 years. that person must also write on photos that this is true likeness of your child. But the other person does NOT verify they know the baby only they KNOW YOU.

I then applied for UK passport at passport office in UK. Application UK passport....2 photos....and Philippines birth certificate...

Within 1 week I had a passport delivered to me in UK for Ashley (my daughter).

No DNA testing required in UK. Baby was never regisitered with British Embassy in Manila.

Much easier to apply in UK.

If you want to discuss further email me at and I can give you my number then.

