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Thread: Guidance needed

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) john532's Avatar
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    Guidance needed

    Hi I am new here.
    I have just entered the maize of knowing what my future is expected to do when she comes to the uk.
    Are the any basic guides that can tell me what the times scales are for the various things like she appying for a visa, how long she has to get mairried?
    Things like what are the TEN say things I need to help her tick off her check list of items to enter the UK to be married.
    I really just do not know where to start, wished there was some kind of easy guide to help people like me through.

    Any help appreciated any thanks John

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum!

    Your questions has been discussed and answered here many times, so I suggest you spend a little time reading other members experienced about marriage in UK/Phils, bringing fiancee or wife in UK and so on.

    You can find them by using the 'search' button on the top of this page or start reading from Courting & Relationships, Help & Advice and UK VISA/British Citizenship.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    There are plenty of ifs and buts like with any process, so its impossible to be to precise with a time frame.

    Have you already met in person?
    Do you have a decent income or money in the bank?
    Is your Girlfriend married or in process of getting anulment?
    Do you plab to marry in the UK or Phill?

    I would read petes website the link is in the top right handside of the home page and go though his website and read other peoples stories as lady J writes.
    You will both need to do a lot of reading up of the process as it does change in the last three years the way you apply for a spouse visa has changed at least 4 times and the changes if you don't take notice can add a lot of time and cost money to the application.

    So my personal advice is to spend the weekend reading up as much as you can. Let us know more about the two of you and your plans. Im sure people on here can help more, if they know more about your personal circumstances.

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) john532's Avatar
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    Thanks for that I will set to it

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