If you think about it... you'll come to more or less the same conclusion as I have. And that is, this "shakeup" ... this so-called "4th phase" of government plans to curb immigration ... is, in practice, nothing new.
Successive British Governments have, for years, been doing their damndest to discourage their own electorate from marrying - and subsequently bringing their lawfully-wedded foreign partners to the UK for settlement - by implementing extortionate visa fees that were patently intended to be unaffordable for all but the most wealthy citizens.
When thatbackfired ... they introduced other, more rigid, measures - such as the 'Life in the UK Test' and subsequently, KOL testing - all the while "opening the floodgates" to non English speaking Europeans.
Yes ... we need to control our borders; the UK landmass is simply not LARGE enough to accommodate an ever-increasing population. But ... rather than penalise those who desire to come here for perfectly legitimate reasons ... our political masters should be concentrating their efforts into disassociating themselves with the, bizarre legislation - few people want or need - dreamt up in Brussels!