hi all,
i thank all of you that gave us advice on my daughter's visa application.unfortunately it was refused for the following reasons:
-her biological father lives in the same village and is only a walking distance
-she sees him by accident every now and then
-she dined with him once with me
-she asked money from him sometimes when she sees him.
-my remittances is typical of filipinos that sends money to their family in the philippines.

the father had given an affidavit that he did not support the child from the outset.
his mother as well gave the same affidavit when we cant get hold of him.

the ECO said that he has mother physical contact with her than me because i was in the uk for 2 years and left her to the care of my parents.

i am now sending the records of our village hearing when i asked for financial support from him and he refused to give.i didnt remember it when we have to apply.

my husband found an immigration lawyer in the UK and he is now ready to lodge the appeal.

my question is, is it possible for it to be reconsidered?

the decision is so unfair for me and my husband who were the only people that took careof her.

the father hasnt done anything until lately when i have to beg him to give the affidavit because he has signed the birth certificate

we will be so grateful for any positive feedbacks and advices