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Thread: FLR timing

  1. #1
    Member tboy555's Avatar
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    FLR timing

    Hello! Just wondering about how to do the timing on the FLR appointment.


    Visa granted: 23 May
    Arrival in UK: 2 July
    Wedding date: 14 October
    Planned honeymoon: 27 November (overseas)

    In order to make this work, we would try and apply straight after our wedding (once we have the certs) and we would obviously pay the premium to do it in person.

    Could we book for an appointment date around end October at the office before we get married? How far in advance do we need to book? Do you get to keep your passports if you do the visit in person? Once we have done the FLR is there any problem with the honeymoon date overseas?

    Can anyone see any problems with what we are trying to do? I had hoped it would be fairly straightforward from here on in!

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    once you are married you can apply, and if you are going the premium way its straight forward, you apply on line look at the dates that are free and click onto them , look at what is avalible, your passports will be returd to you after your visit, the honeymoon well i have no idea, someone else will be along soon to help you on that one , good luck

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboy555 View Post
    .....Once we have done the FLR is there any problem with the honeymoon date overseas?

    Can anyone see any problems with what we are trying to do? I had hoped it would be fairly straightforward from here on in!
    With the schedule you've outlined you would definitely need to take the premium route for FLR application.
    The planned honeymoon date of 27 November looks to be a bit tight.
    It really all depends on how close to 14 October you can get the FLR.
    For overseas trip it all depends on where. Your wife will need a visa for most destinations including Europe. Your should allow around 2-4 weeks from date of confirmed appointment for a Schenghen Visa for Europe. (personal appearance is required). Other visa requirements would be on the website of the specific country you are thinking to visit, but again bear in mind that a personal appearance at the embassy is most likely needed.
    You can see with a little bit of luck for embassy appointments, and great planning it's just possible even though a little tight for many people.
    Alternatively you could decide to go somewhere that has visa waiver for RP passport holders

    Personally I would be ultra careful about making bookings and payments for honeymoon.

    Best wishes for your future wedding and very best of luck for the honeymoon planning whichever route you opt for.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    The French Embassy can "turn-round" a Schengen visa in 7-10days.... but can't vouch for the others.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  5. #5
    Member tboy555's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    With the schedule you've outlined you would definitely need to take the premium route for FLR application.
    The planned honeymoon date of 27 November looks to be a bit tight.
    It really all depends on how close to 14 October you can get the FLR.
    For overseas trip it all depends on where. Your wife will need a visa for most destinations including Europe. Your should allow around 2-4 weeks from date of confirmed appointment for a Schenghen Visa for Europe. (personal appearance is required). Other visa requirements would be on the website of the specific country you are thinking to visit, but again bear in mind that a personal appearance at the embassy is most likely needed.
    You can see with a little bit of luck for embassy appointments, and great planning it's just possible even though a little tight for many people.
    Alternatively you could decide to go somewhere that has visa waiver for RP passport holders

    Personally I would be ultra careful about making bookings and payments for honeymoon.

    Best wishes for your future wedding and very best of luck for the honeymoon planning whichever route you opt for.

    Planning on going to Maldives, so no visa required as far as I can make out! So as long as we can book the personal vist soon after wedding, then hopefully should not be a problem.

  6. #6
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    tboy, you are spot on with Maldives.
    May I congratulate you on a truly wonderful and memorable honeymoon destination.
    No pre-travel visa required for Phils passport holders as issued on arrival for 30 days.

    May I suggest a personal appearance at PEO for the FLR. Should be very easy.

    What a wonderful time you're gonna have.
    Very best wishes -- get it booked up now!

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