Yep, no rush.
You 2 really should get to know each other in person and only meeting in real life will you both see exactly how you "gel" together.
I met one girl online, great to talk to, we shared many of the same ideas etc etc but upon meeting in real life the "magic" and chemistry was simply not there. To this day we still remain friends and talk occasionally but there was never the " Wow " factor between us in real life.
I think everyone has different ideas about what they want from a relationship.
I was immediately attracted to Maricris first online and then meeting her in Dipolog City some 2 months later.
Love can grow for sure, but it sure is nice if you love someones company and feel a part of you is missing as soon as you are apart, even a short period of time.
I totally believe that any couple should not try too hard to impress the other, just act naturally always and be yourself. {example: if i wanna be a slob on a Sunday morning and not shave and hang about in my jog pants why worry?

My current GF is a lovely sweet girl and we have a very equal relationship, there is a lot of trust there and giving both ways. Sure there are cultural differences which anyone dating a Pinay will know and understand but respecting each others differences is also a learning curve on both sides.
It takes time to get to know someone and at first there is the " honeymoon period" where its all great and exciting

but after that then what? Personally speaking i believe that potential marriage partners should view each other as best friends first and foremost - anything other than that i would doubt the marriage would last.
Its incredible that i have seen complaints and comments on this very forum about peoples partners and disagreements about wanting children, finances, housing and where to live etc etc,

all these things should be thoroughly discussed and agreement reached before that big walk down the aisle.
In a nutshell...........DON'T RUSH!