Hi Guys
I kind of need an answer quickly on this one-
My house I am currently in is no longer in my name - its in my ex gf name now (as of last week) however all my bank/employee/tax details are here until august 19th when my new house is ready (being built at moment).
When we prepared all docs I provided a copy of LR title showing me on it - the question is if UKBA want to verify do thay go to land reg or call me/write to me here?
I have provided all transactional details of new house purchase, photos and solicitor letters and proof of exchange of contracts.
I just want to know what UKBA will use to verify even though we wont be staying here. We have listed my parents house as place of living because even though I have shown new house details I dont legally own it yet - where my parents large house has plenty of space (well beyond the rules) for me and my mahal and we have also submitted all relevant docs including pics and sq footage of rooms etc.
We are putting application in on Monday morning you see..