Most interesting.
I have always been most distrustful of food cooked and prepared 'out of sight'...especially in hot countries, and for this reason I have (except for my very first trip to the Phils) rented my own accommodation and cooked my own food made from fresh ingredients, cooked in hygienic conditions and stored correctly.
This became particularly important when my son came along, and he had his first visit when only 3 months old.
One of the reasons the ex breast-fed him until he was 2 years old (plus solids of course) was to give him additional protection, most importantly when he was very no possibility of contaminated bottles/prepared milk.
We had virtually no health problems with any of the children, and I never had any stomach troubles after that initial trip 21 years ago.
Work surfaces scrubbed with bleach, hand-washing, clean properly cooked food that hasn't been sat on a market stall for 8 hours, and fridge set at the right temperature, and you should be fine.
I follow the same regime back here in the UK, and no problem with extra food cooked. It is simply allowed to cool as quickly as possible and then put in the fridge until the next day, or put in the freezer.