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Thread: What qualities or traits of a Filipino you most like and don't like?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    hello ann_barnett

    let me share my insight about your question Men, most often than not are attracted to women who are hard to get. They like a good challenge and some sense of pride wins him over when he gets a woman to become his girlfriend. This is one of the reasons why easy girls do not attract men to be with them for a long time, they didn't do anything to win her. Be that challenge men are looking for and you will totally get men lining up to you.
    They like brains, not breasts. Contrary to what women would like to believe, most men do not look for the stereotyped dumb women. A girl who uses her head and gives her opinion fairly well will attract men to talk more to her. You don't need to become an Einstein, just don't be dumb in all areas or that will really make men start running to the doors.
    Let's face it, men like girls who are oozing with sex appeal. However, this does not mean throwing yourself at him every alone time that you have to get men not to leave you, do it subtly. Wear sexy clothes every once in a while or you can also try teasing him for a change. Girls who are cool with their sexuality and know how to make their man beg for it are the ones who can get men easily.
    lastly, This cannot be stressed more than enough, understanding women attract men to love her even more. In any case, this means listening to him and trying to understand how men think. If he needs space, give it to him or better yet, do not make him feel that he needs space; and have more patience with him.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    hello ann_barnett

    let me share my insight about your question Men, most often than not are attracted to women who are hard to get. They like a good challenge and some sense of pride wins him over when he gets a woman to become his girlfriend. This is one of the reasons why easy girls do not attract men to be with them for a long time, they didn't do anything to win her. Be that challenge men are looking for and you will totally get men lining up to you.
    They like brains, not breasts. Contrary to what women would like to believe, most men do not look for the stereotyped dumb women. A girl who uses her head and gives her opinion fairly well will attract men to talk more to her. You don't need to become an Einstein, just don't be dumb in all areas or that will really make men start running to the doors.
    Let's face it, men like girls who are oozing with sex appeal. However, this does not mean throwing yourself at him every alone time that you have to get men not to leave you, do it subtly. Wear sexy clothes every once in a while or you can also try teasing him for a change. Girls who are cool with their sexuality and know how to make their man beg for it are the ones who can get men easily.
    lastly, This cannot be stressed more than enough, understanding women attract men to love her even more. In any case, this means listening to him and trying to understand how men think. If he needs space, give it to him or better yet, do not make him feel that he needs space; and have more patience with him.

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