Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
... given that you're the only person, thus far, who's taken it upon himself to respond to my "dire warning" about possible contamination of the "demon drink" ...
I have not responded because I was unaware of background to the news you quoted about " fake alcohol ", but of course a few months ago I posted in " Health Issues " a thread on alcohol ( " Tagay tayo ! ... " ) which has attracted over 3,000 views + 31 replies.
Since then the Royal College of Psychiatrists has recommended an upper safe limit for " older men " ( over 65 ) of 1.5 units / day and for " older women " of 1 unit / day. This in my opinion is unrealistic ! The reasons given by the College are that a third of those with drink problems develop them in later life, often as a result of changes such as retirement, bereavement, feelings of boredom, loneliness or depression .
There is also current concern among doctors about NON- alcoholic fatty liver disease which can lead to cirrhosis in absence of excessive alcohol consumption. It's related to obesity and poorly managed type 2 diabetes.