I have not responded because I was unaware of background to the news you quoted about " fake alcohol ", but of course a few months ago I posted in " Health Issues " a thread on alcohol ( " Tagay tayo ! ... " ) which has attracted over 3,000 views + 31 replies.
Since then the Royal College of Psychiatrists has recommended an upper safe limit for " older men " ( over 65 ) of 1.5 units / day and for " older women " of 1 unit / day. This in my opinion is unrealistic ! The reasons given by the College are that a third of those with drink problems develop them in later life, often as a result of changes such as retirement, bereavement, feelings of boredom, loneliness or depression.
There is also current concern among doctors about NON- alcoholic fatty liver disease which can lead to cirrhosis in absence of excessive alcohol consumption. It's related to obesity and poorly managed type 2 diabetes.