The real issue here in my opinion is the ever growing discontent/uncomfortableness of western Europeans in general with the growing demands of their Islamic populations, who know everything about their "rights" and nothing about the obligations to contribute to and engage civily in the society they have "chosen" to live in. As an obvious manifestion of the segragation and isolation they exhibit the Burkha is an easy target as well as offending the majority held view in these western european countries of womens human and equal rights. The events in Norway by an insane christian fundamentalist COULD not and probably would not have happened if this creeping Islamisation had not been allowed to happen. I absolutely do not condone what he did but the underlying cause is obvious..... take away the unease and make it clear that to our minority muslim population that they need to observe and take account of OUR way of life if they wish to benifet from living here. As Graham pointed out, when working/holidaying in Muslim countries we take care not to offend and in some cases FEAR holding hands, wearing short sleeved shirts etc etc etc.