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Thread: Intend to leave!!!(on application)

  1. #1
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    Intend to leave!!!(on application)

    what date should I put on my visa application regarding When I intend to leave for the UK?....I have seen it on the form before you should allow for at least 3 months before departure date, Im not sure if the visa become valid from the date should it be granted or it is the date i intend to planning to lodged my application mid september....if im successful i intend to leave mid-november but that is only 2 months between lodging my application and my intended date of leaving does anyone no if this would create a problem with my application because it seems the visa's are now prosess much quicker and I am just worried if these dates will be acceptable...any help in this matters will be gratefully appreciated.....

  2. #2
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    The visa is valid from the date it stated on the visa! (the date they give you)

    if you put a date that doesnt allow enough time for processing they will just make it valid from the date issued.

    If you put a future date after processing is completed it becomes valid from that date.
    Our visa was granted 10 weeks ago, processing took 25 days but our documents were well organised.

    good luck

    2 months should be enough time if you have all the required documents and evidence!

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    which visa are you applying for ? is it a fiancee visa or a spouse visa ??
    if it's a spouse visa, when granted you will be given a 27 month visa, you need to be in the UK 23months to be able to apply for ILR (without having to apply for FLR first) so if they grant the visa a few days after you apply, you will have no problems leaving in mid Nov on a spouse visa you could leave it late as the 1st week in Jan

  4. #4
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    The British Embassy will not grant any visa more than 3 months in advance.
    They will however normally pre-date the visa valid-from date up to 3 months max.

  5. #5
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Our consultant said you have to give at least 1 month and two days as the visa processing is at least that long and the stats are done by the month..

    According to them the visa would be valid on that day. But in reality who knows!

  6. #6
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    which visa are you applying for ? is it a fiancee visa or a spouse visa ??
    if it's a spouse visa, when granted you will be given a 27 month visa, you need to be in the UK 23months to be able to apply for ILR (without having to apply for FLR first) so if they grant the visa a few days after you apply, you will have no problems leaving in mid Nov on a spouse visa you could leave it late as the 1st week in Jan
    i will applying for a fiancee visa....thanks for the reply!

  7. #7
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    thanks for the reply guys....

  8. #8
    Member Alona's Avatar
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    what kind of visa do you apply for?if it is a visitor visa,it is valid from the time you receive for maximum of 6 months.

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