Quote Originally Posted by nize View Post
Hi everyone I am just new on this forum and i need your help and advise. I am a filipina married to a british and we have one son,my concern is the council offered us a council flat and we took it.does this affect my application for ILR plus we received child benefit in his name and family tax credit. We asked the home office before we accept the flat if it will affect my application and they said no,im really confused because one of my friend have the same status as mine but they said it will affect my application.I will apply next year march 2011,me and my partner is very worried about our situation. Please does anyone can help us,i don't want to be away with my family. I appreciate it so much..thanks!!
Hiya Nize,

welcome to the friendly forum.
As far as I completely understand, it should not affect u in anyway in what accomodation u have. Whether it be with the council or private. We rent privately & it did not affect me. It also does not affect u that u are on the family tax credit. I can only take it from what u say that it is your husband who works. In that case, he is a working person & paying national insurance. If u are still concern u & your husband should write a letter to the council where u rent a property from. Ask them clearly if by renting the accomodaton by them, will it affect your future ILR application. They should respond to u by letter in which case u should keep this letter for further use. U can also email the UK home office with your concerns. Keep all correspondence that u send & what u recieve for your future use.