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After watching the footage and listening to the opinions I am untterly appaled that people in the UK are protecting the ‘right’ to wear a Burka. It is not a ‘right’ to wear a burka that these women have, it’s an obligation. These women are supressed, subordinated and at the mercy of dictatorial men who have created religious laws at their own discretion. Whilst these women are isolated from having the freedom of an identity and to feel the sun on their face and the wind in their hair, they must cover themselves in head to toe. It’s time to wake up and listen to the sense that the French Government are talking and to appreciate their gusto at actually taking charge of this exasperating and disgraceful farce that women living in Western Societies in 2010 are covering themselves up, whilst men wear shorts and t-shirts and drool over the western women in summer dresses and jeans. Before long if the soft and weak governments like ours in the UK, continue as they are, the whole of Europe will be wearing Burkas and be at the mercy of the Shariah Law. This is Britain and we have the right to protect our culture. If people want to live in Britain, then please come here, work for a living and obey our rules like we do. That’s a democracy.