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Thread: advise please

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
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    ok here's the whole situation. When he left England, he left his debts too. He worked in casinos all his life and he said he can't get a license because of these debts he left. he have no idea what kind of job he will have if he goes back to England. We do have his mum helping us. She's got 3 bedroom house and is living on her own. She is willing to let us reside with her if we do go back to England. I intend to work and I am not a fuzzy worker. I'll take any jobs to have an income and help financially. At the moment he's got no job and is still healing from surgery he had last month cuz he snapped his bicep tendon. Our worry is we will end up living in the streets if he don't go back to England which is our last resort. He don't want to go back but its our only option at the moment. I agreed he take our daughter with him but because of the situation, we are not sure how long til we can see each other again. And the thought of living away from them is really killing me already. He used to work abroad to provide for the family and it's bad enough that he had to work away. So if there's 2 of them away from me and not know when I will be with them again is just too much

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by missmatanong View Post
    ok here's the whole situation. When he left England, he left his debts too. He worked in casinos all his life and he said he can't get a license because of these debts he left. he have no idea what kind of job he will have if he goes back to England. We do have his mum helping us. She's got 3 bedroom house and is living on her own. She is willing to let us reside with her if we do go back to England. I intend to work and I am not a fuzzy worker. I'll take any jobs to have an income and help financially. At the moment he's got no job and is still healing from surgery he had last month cuz he snapped his bicep tendon. Our worry is we will end up living in the streets if he don't go back to England which is our last resort. He don't want to go back but its our only option at the moment. I agreed he take our daughter with him but because of the situation, we are not sure how long til we can see each other again. And the thought of living away from them is really killing me already. He used to work abroad to provide for the family and it's bad enough that he had to work away. So if there's 2 of them away from me and not know when I will be with them again is just too much
    The information you give here is very important.
    His debts will not have any impact on any visa application you make.
    However, if he has any debts with HMRC (Inland Revenue/Tax) or for Council Tax then the UKBA will pass his details on.
    All other debts in England (Bank loan/credit cards etc) will remain on his record for a period of 6 years minimum for a simple contract. This time starts running from the date of last contact or last repayment. After this time they become what is called 'statute barred' and cannot be legally recovered. However any debts for tax (HMRC) will not be statute barred and can be legally recovered through the courts.

    Now, you husband seems to be "injured" and may not be fit for work. This needs to be considered as there will be no benefits payable to him.
    It's lucky that his mother has adequate accommodation and would be able to help with the any visa application.
    Please be aware that you husband will have some problems organising his life with bank accounts and employment etc as the credit reference agencies will then have information on him again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
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    Hi terpe,

    He have no debt with HMRC but with a bank. This is another reason why he wouldn't want to go back to England. But him being injured and unemployed are the reasons why we ran out of option but for him to go back to England. He's finding it really difficult to find a job right now. Please please, suggest what you think we should do with this situation we are in right now....thanks terpe

    Thanks Sars for the link...

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