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Thread: FLR (M) Application Posted, still waiting for the result & a bit worried. Please Help

  1. #1
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    FLR (M) Application Posted, still waiting for the result & a bit worried. Please Help

    Hi everyone, its been a while by not posting on this forum but Im still browsing and reading some of threads here and now Im a little bit worried of my FLR (M) or spouse visa application. I came here in UK Scotland on fiancee visa, got married and filed FURTHER LEAVE TO REMAIN IN THE UK, been waiting for almost 3 months now but still didnt got the result yet and my fiancee visa is almost expired, fiancee visa will expire on July 19, 2011.

    We submitted the following application:

    1. Passport photograph of me, my hubby and my daughter (5 years old)
    2. Original passports of me, my hubby and my daughter
    3. Travel documents
    4. Police registration certificates (NBI Clearance)
    5. Marriage certificate
    6. NSO Authenticated birth certificate of me and my daughter
    7. Original birth certificate of my husband
    8. 6 months bank statements
    9. Letters corresponding between me and my hubby
    10. Photos that we are married and family photos
    11. My savings account certificate
    12. My hubby's Contract of employment with certificates
    13. English Language Test Certificate (Passed the Advance one)
    14. Tax code 2011
    15. Pension certificates
    16. Mortgage statements

    Below are the time scales:

    January - July 19, 2011: Fiance Visa
    January - 19 : Arrived in UK
    March 18 : Got Married
    April 4 : FLR (M) application sent via post
    April 11: Confirmed that they received the application, phoned for biometrics appointment
    May 31 : Biometrics done
    June 17 : Waiting for the approval ( waited almost 3 weeks from the biometrics date but still didnt got any result)

    My questions:

    1. Are the documents above that we provided is enough that they will decide to approve it?
    2. Are there still lacking on our requirements?
    3. We are waiting almost 3 weeks from the biometrics date, do I need to worry about it?
    4. We phoned the Home office to request a notarized for his passport because my hubby cant work offshore if he cant have his passport back. We have been waiting for almost 3 months now since the application posted. Is that okay that we phoned them just to send back his passport? will it not be affected with our visa application?
    5. Ive got a filipina friend too same as my situation but they sent their application in person because her visa almost expired, it will going to expire 1 month from their application. She got her result approved after 2 weeks from the biometrics date. Does it make a big difference on my status? Why is it I need to wait for how many weeks? Does it mean that there are problems on my application?

    Please I need your thoughts regarding this matter, Im really so worried. I hate being on airplane for almost 2 days and carrying my heavy luggage's again plus my 5 year old daughter on me . Im tired of it. I want to be with my husband always. Please if you have same as my situation please share your experience here. Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you dont need to worry about your visa expiring, as long as UKBA got your application b4 your expiry date your protected until you get the result of your visa app, even if your visa expires while your waiting

  3. #3
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you dont need to worry about your visa expiring, as long as UKBA got your application b4 your expiry date your protected until you get the result of your visa app, even if your visa expires while your waiting
    Thank you for the reply joebloggs, im just worried if I got a negative result on the day of my visa expires. I dont know what to do next. Will they just easily to deport me? we didnt even booked a ticket going to the Philippines if that happens.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    stop worrying

    if your refused you should have a right to appeal, and worse comes to the very worse, you should be given 28 days to leave, but look that's not going to happen.

    stop worrying, there probably a bit of a backlog or delay, not many people are refused flr, only a very small number, and many of the who were refused was because they applied after their visa expired or because they used an old form or UKBA didn't get the fee,

    i take it UKBA took the fee from your bank account, they must have if you had your bio's done..

    i think you'll get your visa soon

  5. #5
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    stop worrying

    if your refused you should have a right to appeal, and worse comes to the very worse, you should be given 28 days to leave, but look that's not going to happen.

    stop worrying, there probably a bit of a backlog or delay, not many people are refused flr, only a very small number, and many of the who were refused was because they applied after their visa expired or because they used an old form or UKBA didn't get the fee,

    i take it UKBA took the fee from your bank account, they must have if you had your bio's done..

    i think you'll get your visa soon
    I can be a pessimistic sometimes lol, I rather think the negative than to expect the positive one. Thanks for the cheer up joebloggs. You know the feelings that it so hard being away from the one you love. Thats the one that Im really afraid of, I hope you are right. Fingers plus toes being crossed for me but what do you think with our application? is that okay?

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    did you send any of his pay slips?

    your husband works and you have some savings ?

  7. #7
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    did you send any of his pay slips?

    your husband works and you have some savings ?
    He is self-employed, his salary or the money coming in goes directly to his bank account without any payslips on it. Yes I have some savings. He gave some money and I put it on my bank account.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as long as he has a regular income you should be fine

  9. #9
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Good grace!!! still waiting for my visa until now nothing heard from them yet! and my visa will expire next week!! tried to phone but its very hard to reach them!! You only heard an answering machine!! What shall I do!!!

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    stop worrying that's what, looks like a few people have been waiting, just relax

    it doesn't matter if your visa expires your still here legally .

  11. #11
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Just wondering if what is going on with our application. Why is it they easily approve when you send the application in person rather than by post? what is the big difference? Shall I phone them again? sorry Im really so worried about this...

  12. #12
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Update--- I phoned Home Office this morning and they have provided me the tracking number and when I checked it on Royal Mail it says Recorded Signed For™ items are only tracked after the item has been delivered. Depending on whether the item was sent first or second class, this may be a few days after posting. Please try again later.

    Information on your item is not yet available online

    The documents was posted yesterday (September 6), how many days will it take to arrive for a recorded delivery? If they sent all of the documents back, is that means we dont have a problem with our application? Ive been waiting for 14 weeks already. Is there any higher percentage that my visa will be refused??

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faye_and_Brian View Post
    ............. Is there any higher percentage that my visa will be refused??
    Please be assured that there would need to be a serious non-compliance of requirements for the FLR(M) to be refused.

    You will be fine.

  14. #14
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe Ive got good news! I just received my Biometrics Card Residence Permit this morning! What a huge relief!! My documents will soon to follow! thanks for all your advice. It really help me a lot

  15. #15
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    Another important step completed on your immigration journey.
    Not rying to scare you, but well worth taking at look at the ILR application form and guidance notes now. Some evidence that is needed should be thought about at the time.

  16. #16
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe, Ive got one more question. My biometrics card residence permit still under on my previous name. It states here that if I want to change to my marriage name I have to download the BRP (RC) form but I dont see any downloadable forms in their website. I have to do this before 3 months or else we will be paying £1000pounds if I didnt file this on that period.

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faye_and_Brian View Post
    Thanks Terpe Ive got good news! I just received my Biometrics Card Residence Permit this morning! What a huge relief!! My documents will soon to follow! thanks for all your advice. It really help me a lot
    all that worrying for nothing

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faye_and_Brian View Post
    Thanks Terpe, Ive got one more question. My biometrics card residence permit still under on my previous name. It states here that if I want to change to my marriage name I have to download the BRP (RC) form but I dont see any downloadable forms in their website. I have to do this before 3 months or else we will be paying £1000pounds if I didnt file this on that period.
    Here it is:-

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