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Thread: A desperate situation - advice needed

  1. #61
    Member stuart_donnlyn's Avatar
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    hayy! dnt force urself to marriage if u dnt feel to and dnt let anyone force you as well... theres lots of women...filipino or not take your time you will meet lots. tc!

  2. #62
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    follow your instinct "troubled" if you still think theyre sensible enough...
    just try not to ignore the consequences.

    you can never be happy by being TOO SMART or being TOO DUMB.
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  3. #63
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    ^ That last line is a good quote!

    My instinct says intentions are good, that does not mean it will work, and after seeing just how difficult it is to bring a fiancee/wife to the UK has left me with little hope seeing as proof is needed where we would live and what my occupation is.

    I have not lived in the UK for 5 years and want to return to start a videography business.

    Where that would leave us in the eyes of the Embassy I don't know but it doesn't look promising does it.

    Whatever happens I hope we stay friends if nothing else.

  4. #64
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post
    ^ Thanks for that, yes I will try, maybe in 3 weeks when I have my 1 month 'siesta' so to speak.

    One thing this has taught me, and I hope will teach her is that just because you love somebody it doesn't mean they are the right one to spend the next 40/50 years with.

    To me, who you spend your life with is far more important than marraige itself. Having children, companionship, sex, love, friendship and romance are all natural whereas marraige is not, it is a label expected by others that cropped up somewhere in our history and real companionship is about each others world, however it is somewhat necessary when it comes to visas etc if you want to be together.

    Not only that but these days only the very lucky find their soulmates, I think it's fortunate just to find someone you get on well with, and although she and I do get on, we make each other laugh and we are affectionate but despite her good English - I can't have a proper discussion with her, she simply isn't a conversationist, I can't even watch a documentary with her.

    I really miss stuff like that.
    One thing this has taught me, and I hope will teach her is that just because you love somebody it doesn't mean they are the right one to spend the next 40/50 years with.

    When you find your soulmate, you just feel it...the one that can give you that exact feeling that you belong to her/him. Goodluck!

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