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Thread: Hello to everyone, hope you are great

  1. #1
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Smile Hello to everyone, hope you are great

    Hello people

    How are you all? Hello from Gary and Jessica.Just waiting on my mahal to chat on Skype, but I am glad I joined this forum today.I am reading Visa sites and my head gets sore Anyways, bit about myself. For you UK people I am from a wee place called Kirkcaldy (unfortunately Gordon Brown is from here ) For Filipinos I am from Scotland.

    I met my mahal Jessica on Yahoo chat last year at 28 March. I met her in person on February 14 I spent a month with her which confirmed everything is what I thought and we are in love and happy together. Now comes the hard part- getting her to UK (maybe she grow a beard and claim asylum and get unemployment benefit)

  2. #2
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    Welcome to the forum Gary and Jessica, we're a friendly bunch here, feel free to ask any questions

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Welcome and hope everything goes well with the application and you are happy together

  4. #4
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Post Thanks

    Thanks welcome

    I noticed they put the visa fee for fiancée from 250 to 500. I see they have a new place for applications- The UK Visa application Service.Started taking applications from 31 May.I will tell you our experiences with the new place.I hope it will enlighten other people.

    I have complications for our fiancée application.
    • We already have plans to get married on February 14.
    • She is 15 weeks pregnant.The baby should be due around November.
    • I want to bring her little daughter Edilyn 11.
    • Do I have to be the visa fee twice for her and her daughter
    • I just wish she can have the baby here for British citizenship. I do not know if she is entitled to NHS treatment too

    When is best time to apply for the visa since I have these dates to contend with. I have many documents already.But 6 months back from February is August..bit close for comfortable flying. What am I talking about?All flights are like a tin of sardines anyways. Thanks for any advice, much appreciated

  5. #5
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    Hi Gary & Jessica

    Welcome to the Forum

    Yeah the office changed from UKVACS last day on 24th May 2007 and re-opened on 31st in the new offices. Yep it has gone up to 500 My Fiancee applied on the 23rd May 2007 and the application is in the embassy. You just need 6 months of the latest financial information and proof of accomodation so no need to go back any further with that, you will however need to go back to the start of your relationship with the proof of relationship, that although the Embassy claims is not a legal requirement, but they will look favourably if this is provided, so basically all your intimate letters and e-mails will be required as well as photos etc Anything You have, proof of phone calls etc There is a lot more you will need to provide but you will find all that in here.

    Wow yours is a complicated one, I am sure using the search facility in here you should find your answer!!!

    Maybe it would have been better for your application if you had seen each other for longer before getting married, say on a Visitor Visa, but complications like yours will mean you have to do more in your support letter and proof of relationship. The Embassy can ask some very straight froward and searching questions, I have read examples on the web. I practiced with Anilyn acting as the Embassy asking the questions they may ask to iron out any problematic answers. If you met on the internet an example is Why did you choose an English man to befriend? Was it to find a rich English man and be able to create a better life for yourself in England? Yes is not the answer they are looking for That would probably result in instant rejection. Just do lots of research

    Anyway give it lots of effort and all should be well with your application

    Lastly do a search in a good search engine for "NHS entitlement foreign spouse" it should give you results to big to post here The results are interesting and I need to do more research on that also.

    Good luck to you both

    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  6. #6
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    • She is 15 weeks pregnant.
    highlight that on your application...

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Thanks welcome

    I noticed they put the visa fee for fiancée from 250 to 500. I see they have a new place for applications- The UK Visa application Service.Started taking applications from 31 May.I will tell you our experiences with the new place.I hope it will enlighten other people.

    I have complications for our fiancée application.
    • We already have plans to get married on February 14.
    • She is 15 weeks pregnant.The baby should be due around November.
    • I want to bring her little daughter Edilyn 11.
    • Do I have to be the visa fee twice for her and her daughter
    • I just wish she can have the baby here for British citizenship. I do not know if she is entitled to NHS treatment too

    When is best time to apply for the visa since I have these dates to contend with. I have many documents already.But 6 months back from February is August..bit close for comfortable flying. What am I talking about?All flights are like a tin of sardines anyways. Thanks for any advice, much appreciated
    iam not so sure you can bring her daughter, while your gf is on a fiancee visa, i dont know if anyone knows for sure, you better check with IND, as i would thought you would need to be her step father to be able to apply for a visa for her to come to the uk. also your gf has to prove she has sole responsibility for the child.

    good luck thou, i manged to get my stepson ILR and he had turned 18..

    and about the visa fee, yes , i tihnk you have to pay for the child

    read this about family members

    or maybe iam wrong

  8. #8
    Member gingging's Avatar
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    Hi Garry2Jessica, Welcome to the forum,I'm ricky and live in Dalgety Bay not far from you, I'm also married to a philipina (Gingx2) were is your g/f from maybe we can be off some help to you I will try to send you a private message ok, hope to hear from you soon. ingat Ricky and Ging.

  9. #9
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Gary and Jessica...
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  10. #10
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    maBuhaY & weLcome

  11. #11
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    Wecome guys have fun

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