you meet her at the wrong place at the wrong time...there is so much mystery behind this girl working as an escort...maybe she's someone that really don't like to be in place like that but had much no choice in life( who ever really knows ??) should have known her better at the first never seems to have some assurance from each other you just went through how you feel for each other...of course if a guy follow a girl and be with her there something on could just met there in hongkong and forget about her but then you went home together never mention that you even bother to ask about her family what situation she has back home you went with her without nothing but just curiosity...and i guess its an obvious reason that if she went home with a guy people with naturally say it that you is her bf or how you put yourself into both put yourself in a very compromising situation... you both have hopes for one another despite the odds, but then not being able to be prepared or not expecting this marrying thing to happen to fast that makes it says like oooppppsssssss wait a minute this is not what i have to ask this girl personally, and know what she really wanted to happen and let her know as well your real intention so she knows where she stand so she can make a decision for her life and not because of her family...she's overage if she has gone out of the country on her own decision i bet she can make as well if she wanted it too this time...and if you are not as well sure about how you feel for her and you don't intend to marry her for whatsoever reason you have you better tell her now anyway theres just no other way to get away from it...but if you are in between staying and leaving i bet a distance and time will tell you were you're heart lies ahead....its so hard to speak about in behalf of other shoes... just be true to yourself it will rest the case... hope it helps