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Thread: English exam - help please

  1. #1
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    English exam - help please

    ENGLISH EXAM ...A1 level required as part of Spouse Visa application

    So i started my research off on the UK Border Agency website i learnt we must use an approved English language test ( from the new list of approved test providers )

    So far so good ...

    I read the list and start doing some searches ..i soon learnt that the list was very small, what seemed to be the easiest to understand by visiting there online site was ESOL Cambridge, very informative website/design and made things very clear and easy to understand ..but alas they only have a test centre in Cebu !! that was straight out of the window wife lives in Manila area ..

    The only other one on the list that provided the relevant test and had a test centre in the Philippines was TOEIC (or maybe i am missing something??) i searched this (TOEIC) and was directed to the "Hopkins International Site" last i had found what we where looking for??? ..alas though, the website unlike the other one was badly designed and really difficult to understand and follow.

    Well UK Border Agency states my wife only needs an A1 level in "SPEAKING and LISTENING" ..but guess what ..Hopkins do NOT give you that option!! ...why do they make it so complicated?? fact Hopkins do not even mention anything about any of there exams being acceptable for any visa applications on there website?? ..

    What "Hopkins" offer is a test for "SPEAKING AND WRITING" and also another test for "LISTENING AND READING" so guess what ..u need to sit both exams on different dates to obtain your "SPEAKING and LISTENING pass that is required by the embassy!! ...why can they not just provide one exam that covers both the requirements is beyond me i guess may have something to do with it, it is not just the cost of the tests though, its all the travelling and time involved ..even to this centre it will take my wife around 3hrs just to get there ..

    Assuming this is the only centre/exam in the Manila area??? (does anybody know any differently???) i am still very confused by which one we should in fact actually be booking? course is for "SPEAKING and WRITING" so this part was easy, we booked this course and was just able to book the speaking part of the exam problem came in trying to decide what else we should be booking to cover the listening requirement? on there website they offer three different possibilities and for me it still remains really confusing as to which one we should be booking?? ..the three courses that all cover "listening" are :

    Classic TOEIC - (Listening and reading) ...have to take both parts!!
    Redesigned TOEIC - (Listening and reading)...have to take both parts!!
    TOEIC Bridge - (Listening and reading)...have to take both parts!!

    Does anybody have any idea which one out of the three we need/should be booking??

    Many thanks for your time ..

  2. #2
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I think you have figured it out!
    Essentially yes you have to sit all 4 tests!

    Hopkins do workshop that orientates the victim in how to take the test, according to ETS you're supposed to have the intro of the test by the inviligilator but they don't do that and so ask for another 1000php off you for a workshop. Nice!

    You need to go to Makati or call them up and book yourself in.

    They run the S&W tests once every 6 weeks which is very long bearing in mind the results take 15 working days!

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Just noticed
    You can take the speaking test (10 mins long) on it's own now


  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    go to this link and it's one of the accredited exam for spouse visa..IELTS..the exam consists of speaking, listening, reading and writing all in one fee..i just had the general training exam this week and i find it easy..compared to toeic (based on what i've seen in the online practice exams) they have fewer question items. Speaking Exam is just for 15mins..Listening is for 40mins..Reading is for 1hr and Writing is for 1hr..

  5. #5
    Respected Member myliitlehaven07's Avatar
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    hi bruce,

    i actually had the same problems and questions like you have now before i took my test at HOPKINS,TOEIC. I only booked the SPEAKING AND WRITING test but when i got there and about to take the test all other applicants says That i should take the LISTENING AND READING test too which is taken on another date as you said. As soon as i finish the test and got home, i immediately wrote the embassy as to WHICH test i should be taking or do i really have to take BOTH TEST. and here is their reply am sharing it to you:
    Dear Ms____
    Greetings from UK VAC!
    You will only need to take the Listening and Speaking module. However, most testing centres offer bundled package for Listening and Reading and Speaking and Writing. In that case, you will need to take both, as it is a part of their bundled package, hence cannot be separated.

    VFS Helpline UK VAC

    i hope this will help you to know that the two test should be taken. EXPENSIVE and a long wait of result to the SPEAKING AND WRITING test. . TOEIC test is not difficult its the waiting and the expenses that makes it a burden lol tell your gf to expect that ones she takes the speaking and writing test that its like a cockpit arena wherein you answer ALL AT THE SAME time in front of a PC i was shocked my self bec i was expecting a better and conducive testing center especially if they are conducting such test.

    good luck!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    there a test centre in manila my fiencee is going there test on 13 aug and 25 both on sat go to ielts phililppines +63 2 914 1011 there they have the sites you need plus try looking on web free ielts test there are some as i found them for fiaencee tests all on saturdays all months you have to give 2 weeks notice all info you need good luck

  7. #7
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the advice ..we are changing to IELTS ..if hopkins run there courses as badly as they design websites (or allow another company to on there behalf) then for sure its not good ..

    thanks ..

  8. #8
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I couldn't recommend Hopkins they are not good at all, but I have no knowledge of anything else I'm afraid.
    I think you've made the righ choice.

  9. #9
    Respected Member ann_barnett's Avatar
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    Hi Bruce...
    You wife needs to take all the tests and when she takes the exam it will be in 2 sessions for Listening and Reading(which is held every Tuesdays and Thursdays and the result will be given after 20 minutes) then 2nd session is for Speaking and Listening which is held once a month but if there are loads of test taker applicants, they open another slot on the same month and result will be after 2weeks... 2 weeks because speaking and writing is an internet and computer based exams, so it's paperless and pencil-ess exam and all your answers are recorded and then will be sent to TOEIC in america then five people(TOEIC staff) will evaluate your answers then rate them then send it back to their accredited center here in the Philippines... Hopkins has nothing in control about TOEIC exam but TOEIC centre control Hopkins as they need to follow their rules and regulations... In fact, they're very strict during the exam as in you only have to bring ID inside the examination room and you cant choose for the seat and each test paper has its own serial numbers...

    The exams sound difficult, but actually they just very basic and no need for intensive review... It's just merely the Test Of English for International Communication (TOEIC)... For Listening and reading, your wife will only be needing 120 points out of490 points each test.. and for speaking and writing 80 points out of 200 for each test... The requirement for spouse visa is very minimal... As for the classic and redesigned you can take any of the two because the weight of the difficulty is the same , it is just redesigned...

    What i took was their complete test package and that is with 1day workshop which costs P6,700... It's very cheap compared to there testing centers... It was very helpful with me the package with 1-day workshop so that i would know where am i weak if in error recognition or my pronunciation...

    Every test taker by that time was nervous because it was like taking the board exam with proper shading of answers something like that but after taking the exams your reaction will be uh-oh it was easy but it was a bit time pressure because im a slow reader for reading test comprehension...

    Spouse applicants are really lucky because of very minimal requirement on the score compared to student or work permit applicants they need to get 800 points out of 990 before they can apply for visa...

    ooopppssss my reply is getting longer.. til next time.... God bless...

  10. #10
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    Tried to make an appointment for the KET in Cebu via Cambridge ESOL but the next date for reading/writing is Nov 26th. No confirmed date for the (unecessary) speaking/listening either. As my wife is due to give birth in December it's a bit close to be travelling to and fro on ferries from Bohol. However thanks to this wonderful forum's information we have now got a date through IELTS in September (runs every month) Still no confirmation on the second part of the test which could be same day or +/- 5 days. Little bit more expensive (P8640 vs P7700) but at least it's out of the way and another thing ticked off. Thanks!

  11. #11
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    My Fiancee did the IELTS her visa and it was all done in one session, no problems with the visa

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