oh they do exist, ive just transfer money from a barclaycard which was on interest free transfer for 9 months and a rbs master card which was on interest free for more than 6 months, and i would have appiled for a hsbc card which has 0% on balance transfers for 12 months !!! but ive done enougth of it all now, so i got a loan paid them all off.
but when rbs phoned me, saying why didnt i get a loan to pay my cred card off, i told them why when i can get at least 6 months int free if i transfer to another credit card, what did they tell me, oh why dont you apply for a master card int free for 6 months !!!!
if you got the time, you can beat'em at their own game, sure you pay a transfer handling fee, but you still save

as long as you never use that card
nah , no rep power, you'll have the same as me then
when you moving to pinoyland fred ? my wife wants to move to oz or new zeland , becuase its hard for her to get training to be a consultant here now ,the gov has screwed it all up