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Thread: need help for prove of coming back to Philippines!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
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    Exclamation need help for prove of coming back to Philippines!!!

    HI im a new member here and i want to ask some questions regarding my application for UK tourist visa.
    First Im planning to apply this month of August and I have all the documents from my sponsor which is my fiance(known him for 4 years) and my documents from my side
    But since i am unemployed here in Philippines where i just resigned from my job in dubai last Feb 2011 and came home hoping to get married last month but got delayed due to my annulment that has been going on.

    questions are:

    1) i have affidavit and letter from lawyer stating that annulment has been going on and my appearance will be needed for court hearing? would this be enough proof?

    2) i have enrolled a training course which will start on November

    3) a letter from my previous company stating that i resigned from my job coz of a long term plan to get married in JUly in philippines but has been delayed

    4) a visa for holiday from different countries that no record of over staying?

    Please anybody who can help me if this will be enough reasons to prove that il be coming back in Philippines? I just want to visit my fiance while annulment is still going on and meet his family before we get married here in Philippines.

    Thanks a lot and God Bless all


  2. #2
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    The granting of a visitor's visa is a hit & miss affair..... some get it with ease, others with a very compelling case get refused.

    However, your "evidence" does seem to tick all the boxes, and one of the main things that the ECO will focus on is a visa for holiday from different countries that no record of over staying?

    This shows that you've had the opportunity to "jump ship" before, but have always adhered to the visa restrictions.
    I'd certainly highlight this.

    Good luck.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
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    Thanks for the reply im doing everything possible just to get a visa update once i apply and whatever the result will be.


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