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Thread: Travel to UK

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  1. #1
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    San Manuel, PPC , Palawan
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    Wow this Friday.... thats quick.... I assume you are very familiar with Birmingham airport but just in case.. Steve is right the pick up parking area is limited to 15 minutes at £1 then shoots up to £5 for one minute over, so best to use carpark 1 short stay, but even then if you can check up to date arrival times on your blackberry then do not drive on the airport grounds until just about arrival time.. oh and if it happens to be raining take a brolly as unlike most airports short stay one is not connected by a walk way and is good 300 yards to arrivals.

    I bet you are still on cloud nine right now...
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  2. #2
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Hi Scott
    Ive been waiting 3 months now (I know its not long compared to some) and its felt like 3 years. Yes been to BHX quite a few times but thanks for the efforts to help me there. There's no time to lose!
    Ive chosen BHX as its smaller and quicker to get out - but immigration queues can be a bit of a nightmare!

    Quick question - if I was to write a letter for Rina to carry for UK Immigration - what should it say?

    I was thinking of stating I am her Fiance and I am at BHX arrivals and provide my mobile number should they have any questions?
    Is that enough something short and sweet?

    I cant believe she is nearly here - yes cloud 9 is the experience but it will be 10 when I get her to myself again

    I've just called up to register the marriage - earliest I can "give notice" is Oct 24th!!!
    So we wont be married until November - then off to do the FLR (m). That will no doubt yield a bunch of questions!



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