And before anyones in with some
explanation like "it's in the interests of public decency" ... WHAT'S "decent" about allowing graphic images of "man's inhumanty to man"
to be available for public display?
And before anyones in with some
explanation like "it's in the interests of public decency" ... WHAT'S "decent" about allowing graphic images of "man's inhumanty to man"
to be available for public display?
I am with you Arthur, I do not believe that was helpful or decent Dedworth, in fact it would dissuade some people from supporting some of your points I would suggest
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
I take the opposite view Scott these people are subhuman with no concern towards their fellow human beings (eg torching shops with people in flats above, robbing the injured Malaysian student under the guise of helping him) - therefore the only way to deal with them is to treat them in an inhumane manner.
We're all adult here and I'm quite comfortable with the pic but obviously if Arthur or any other mods feel it might cause outrage then they should remove it.
It won't happen but if a few looters were swinging from lamposts in Wolverhampton, Croydon etc it would stop any potential looters in their tracks.
hopefully, just reading his posts is enough to do that
how many more times are you going to post that photo?, i would say the sub humans are the ones doing the beating and no better than the looters.
dedworth as had plenty chances in the last few days to put his ideas into practice, hows it going![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
I guess you are referring to the other retired looter picture here
Like I said before if God forbid it ever got to my neighbourhood I'd be ready for them with my well polished Louisville Slugger baseball bat.
If per chance I was going to feature on News at 10 with it I'd obviously let you know but would expect similar notification if you appeared in any CCTV images involving handwringing or tea parties with feral scum![]()
have you ever thought of hot air ballooning as your next hobby![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
we all have a view and many many of us are just as concerned for our fellow man, peace to all , well i hope there will be, but put yourself in anyone that has been caught up in these riots ,jumping from fires, being robbed, all your belonging good, what would you do
Indeed John, we may have slightly differing opinions on a specific matter but I too was struggling to get the point, but my suggestion is that the point was around following orders.. but to what end I am not sure. I think something was lost in the thought formed in Tagalog but writen in English.. not a criticsm Sars as your English is 1000% better than my attempts at Tagaog or Illocano
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
again we agree
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Its been brewing for years and the authorities have been warned but chose to ignore it and even aspirate it by closing the youth centers and reducing funds to these type of youth programme, Mabey the goverment are giving the public a reason to cry out for a police state, Mind what you wish for ect...
If it wasn't for the fact that many people have mind numbing jobs just about earning enough to fulfill thier responsibilites to feed mouths and pay ever inflating prices for gas, electric, petrol. tax ect. I believe there would be more out on the streets, again possible what the government are pushing for.
Are the real criminals in the 24hr court like the bankers that let the money crisis happen, People lost thier homes and jobs and some committed suicide over it, No they are sat in their little mansions in Kensington, If there was trouble there I bet Johncar and his police buddies would react a lot quicker and more robustly
Just because you gave a few lectures doesn't mean you are right johncar!!... just means you were complicit.
com·plic·it (km-plst)
Associated with or participating in a questionable act or a crime; having complicity: newspapers complicit with the propaganda arm of a dictatorship. Or Goverment
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
But he added: "Children's ideas of right and wrong don't just come from their parents. And we can't honestly say the greed, selfishness and gross irresponsibility that shocked us all so deeply is confined to the looters, or even to their parents.
"It's not the first time we've seen this kind of me first, take what you can culture. The bankers who took millions while destroying people's savings – greedy, selfish and immoral. The MPs who fiddled their expenses – greedy, selfish and immoral. The people who hacked phones to get stories to make money for themselves – greedy, selfish and immoral.
"People who talk about the sick behaviour of those without power should talk equally about the sick behaviour of those with power.
....Well he took his time saying it perhaps he reads this forum and reads my post ??![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
The stench of Millipedes hypocrisy makes me want to throw up
1) his former boss Bottler Brown spent the best part of 13 years schmoozing and brown hatting the bankers.
2) Labour were the worst expenses abusers
3) Not many weeks ago Millipede and most of the shadow cabinet gorged themselves at Murdochs summer bash
I posted something similar on facebook three days ago and yesterday it appeared in Ed's speech!!!
Now where did I put my tin foil hat???
Whilst of course one cannot draw a line between what did or did not influence those involved, I find it hard to accept that 'rather academic' argument.
In 1985 we did not have (or maybe did not know about) the bankers, MP etc, but the Broadwater Farm riot was no different in essence from the recent ones. A small supermarket was looted and set on fire.
The main difference was that it took place on a housing estate rather than amongst sports and electrical shops. However, as I explained earlier, that riot was planned to take place in Shopping City. Two police personnel carriers turning onto the estate, by mistake, caused a 'premature' kick off.
Let's all at least have the good manners to be polite to members who are contributing in what is to them a foreign language.![]()
Graham I hope your last comment was not meant for me.
I had said to Zars: It was unusual as Zars comments usually display considerable erudition.
that was not my intention Graham48.
agreed if the mods find it offensive it will be removed. we can differ on how far we descend to the level of the looters themselves, the pendulaum needs to swing back but I would not want a totalitarian regime in its place.
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
• erudition •
Printable Version
Pronunciation: er-ê-di-shên or er-yê-di-shên • Hear it!
Part of Speech: Noun, mass
Meaning: Deep, profound, scholarly knowledge of a subject.
i am just a normal hard working loving man who loves my wife my children, family and friends , i am not into big words cannot expess myself like many can but everyword comes from my heart, so many on here are right and wrong, we all have views and if we dont like what we read then we can reply if you understand the question, youth centers are not the cause her, i think facebook , the twitter thing and mobils have not helped this matter, you may have hit the nail on the head Sars, about where you live
we did not have much in the 60s either and 70s but love and peace and we had scuvybloodyhell my poor mum, baths everynight and then calamine loition all over, those was the days
I remember me mum rubbing Vic onto my chest regularly![]()
All that for a bit of scurvy,you soft southern wuss,we used to pick the skin flakes off the wool blankets and eat them for breakfast,Eeeeeeeh them were the days,nitty-norah the head explorer and rickets,happy days eh?baths everynight
I remember getting covered in that but I cant remember what for?It was pink I think and I always wanted to drink itcalamine loition![]()
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.
[QUOTE=Tawi2;308035]All that for a bit of scurvy,you soft southern wuss,we used to pick the skin flakes off the wool blankets and eat them for breakfast,Eeeeeeeh them were the days,nitty-norah the head explorer and rickets,happy days eh?
we did that too but i am sure they where crows from the picking the night before
sky news have reported .. that david cameron will be arrested tomoro, and charged with misleading the public about his role in quelling the recent riots in england.
Sir hugh order fairly top policeman, who may be highershortly, declared: we want to establish an accurate account of these events..and the primeminister has attempted to boost his own contribution... Which in fact was Nil ...
downing street sources says nick clegg is currently in charge..and is due to resume his holiday after the weekend.
Mps thronged the house of commons trying to make sure their association with cameron was due to the pressure of busness..
Several tory MPs where trying to sort out there expenses for returning from holiday in o order to take part in the Debate on the riots..
The picture is hard on the eyes of the guy being dragged along but he wont be looting anymore
The video is brill well done to the guy who took him out![]()
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