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Thread: Tottenham riots last night........

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    It doesn't matter WHO they have running the police.
    Until sensible laws are introduced that don't tie the hands of the police and the courts, then he will be just as impotent.
    Of course you are right Graham but I don't think your average Lewisham Looter shakes with fear when the Met Commissioner appeals to his mummy to make sure he's off the streets and threatens to publish CCTV images.

    Doesn't exactly send out the sort of message I want to hear although it probably sounds nicely soothing to "Yoof Workers" and "Community Leaders"

  2. #152
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I'll second that but we'll have to wait until bab and the probation service has had a chat with them over a cup of tea and a spliff about the issues that force them to go on the rampage
    thanks for the mention but i havent anything in common with them
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #153
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    right now if any leader of any party or anyone with a major profile stepped forward and actually said what real people are thinking he /she would be elected tomorrow, it is time to deal with the dregs today, why should they be allowed to take what we all have to work for and then pay 40% income tax on plus 20% on anything I buy with what is left.
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  4. #154
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    Nothing less than an Iron Fist will sort this out.

    Theresa May is completely out of touch "We can deal with it. We can deal with it with robust policing, with good use of intelligence, but also with the help and support of local communities."
    "The way we police in Britain is not through use of water cannon."

    Utter nonsense as I said before we need Fists, Boots, Batons, Plastic Bullets, CS Gas and Water Cannon. Followed by swift trials for the perpetrators on the most serious charges eg Attempted Murder with those guilty being given maximum custodial sentences.

  5. #155
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Utter nonsense as I said before we need Fists, Boots, Batons, Plastic Bullets, CS Gas and Water Cannon. Followed by swift trials for the perpetrators on the most serious charges eg Attempted Murder with those guilty being given maximum custodial sentences.
    your certainly get them all ranting with that , well done dedworth.

    when are we going to see you in action?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  6. #156
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    All quiet in my neck of the woods, although I did here a couple of sheep rubbing against the gate post
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    We elect mp's and parties according to our beliefs, hopefully they then decide on policies we would wish for.
    Too often it all gets watered down and 'Tough action' is often diluted.
    I personally cannot do too much as I am not in power.
    I could join the Bnp or Edl and throw my weight about that way but I would rather see things solved amicably and I'm not against any colour.
    If you were to give me the power I would be so harsh and would sort all this out with force against force.
    I love my country and would never give in and leave due to other cultures trying to take over.
    Many,many people young and old feel the same thank god for that
    But you DO HAVE THE POWER.

    Everyone with a vote in UK does. The problem is, not really who you vote for but what you INSIST he or she does when they are in power. It's no good just voting and then sitting back for five years until the next election. Like all the vociferous minority groups who get laws implemented and changed, you must harass your MP to do what the majority want.

    Unfortunately I know in saying this I am p------ in the wind.

    I have to pay taxes in UK but I don't have a vote. You who do, PLEASE get into gear and make your voices heard.

  8. #158
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    PLEASE get into gear and make your voices heard.
    Just like the scum rioters, but they dont want anything, just the stuff they pilfered and stole from the shops and lives they destroyed.
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  9. #159
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    I watched the BBC news and listened to reports from the local people.
    They all said the same.
    Feral youths masked up, openly organised and just plain looting and setting fire AT WILL.
    Also it was reported that police presence was either non-existent or woefully undermanned for up to 2 hours.
    The looters were seen planning their targets and were really taking time to steal just what they wanted.

  10. #160
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    I have heard a rumour that the local traders in one part of Birmingham are arming themselves with baseball bats and other weapons and will block off thier part of a particular street.... it will happen if the Police arent let loose properly and the courts lined up behind them, lets find a deserted island off the Orkneys and just dump them all there, see how they like fending for themselves
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  11. #161
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    You are right, people will start metering out their own justice if the justice system is failing them, then watch out!!

    But still, these riots are certainly taking the heat off of the hacking stories and global financial meltdown
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  12. #162
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    apparently Cameron is speaking at 1030 am, lets see what he is going to do about it
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  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    I have heard a rumour that the local traders in one part of Birmingham are arming themselves with baseball bats and other weapons and will block off thier part of a particular street.... it will happen if the Police arent let loose properly and the courts lined up behind them, lets find a deserted island off the Orkneys and just dump them all there, see how they like fending for themselves
    Whats the betting the rozzers then come and arrest those that where protecting their own bussinesses and not the scum rioters that where trying to rob / torch said bussinesses. Its all about justifiable force
    It's been emontional

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    apparently Cameron is speaking at 1030 am, lets see what he is going to do about it
    Limp wristed - state violence is the only way to deal with the feral scum. We need a curfew plus widespread use of plastic bullets, CS gas and water cannon.

  15. #165
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Kent Police say 10 people have been arrested after three cars were set alight in Chatham and a number of bin fires were started in Gillingham and Rainham.

    Getting a bit close to home!

  16. #166
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggg I despair... volunteers wanting to help clean up at Clapham junction have been told they cannot due to HEALTH & SAFETY reasons..
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

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  17. #167
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    Facebook and Twitter can work both ways.

  18. #168
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    yes and I believe Blackberry are helping the police, good for them
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  19. #169
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    My (Policeman) nephew is on his way to help out now...from N.Yorks.

  20. #170
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    well lets just hope he will be okay and that he is given the right kit to look after himself
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  21. #171
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    But you DO HAVE THE POWER.

    Everyone with a vote in UK does. The problem is, not really who you vote for but what you INSIST he or she does when they are in power. It's no good just voting and then sitting back for five years until the next election. Like all the vociferous minority groups who get laws implemented and changed, you must harass your MP to do what the majority want.

    Unfortunately I know in saying this I am p------ in the wind.

    I have to pay taxes in UK but I don't have a vote. You who do, PLEASE get into gear and make your voices heard.
    Sorry but you don't seem to understand how Mp's operate.
    It's like the same old chestnut about capital punishment you can have 90% of the population in favour but if your mp does not agree he will not vote for it-that's how it all works,you can jump up and down and do all you want but he won't change his mind.

    now I could vote for another party who's mp's might carry out my wishes but they probably would not get elected as the main parties have and possibly will always have power and these parties are too scared to sort this crap out.

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Sorry but you don't seem to understand how Mp's operate.
    It's like the same old chestnut about capital punishment you can have 90% of the population in favour but if your mp does not agree he will not vote for it-that's how it all works,you can jump up and down and do all you want but he won't change his mind.

    now I could vote for another party who's mp's might carry out my wishes but they probably would not get elected as the main parties have and possibly will always have power and these parties are too scared to sort this crap out.

    But the problem is that hardly any of the 90% bother to contact their MP.

    I did so many years ago, when they were having a free vote in Parliament on the death penalty, to ask how my MP would vote (and to insist, if he was not in favour, to vote for its return) In the conversation he told me that only 3 people, out of an electorate of around 100,000 had called him to on the subject (it was the day of the vote).

    As I say, the vociferous minority get their people to hassle their MP's and that is why they get laws implemented, unfortunately most people (including you Les it seems) wrongly believe their voice is not important. Your MP will vote a particular way if the vast majority of those who put him in power, and who have the ability at the next election to remove him, want.

    Because I know how it works, that is why I say, get off your a......s and chivvy your MPs. But you won't because you will say, my opinion won't change anything, and yes, with that attitude it won't !!!

    The reason we are having the problems now is because we did not insist that our MP's passed the laws which we (maybe guided by Enoch Powell's speech in 1968) knew were needed. Thus we can only blame ourselves.

  23. #173
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Can't blame me for that as I was too young to vote or harass Mp's then
    Enoch Powell's speech was bang on and I remember getting derided on this forum for mentioning it some months ago

  24. #174
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    But that was FORTY years ago, what have you done since to change anything ? Nothing I guess,

    Sorry Les I am not singling you out, unfortunately you made the point so I am using you as an example. I did also say 'We' but I too have no vote in UK.

  25. #175
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    But that was FORTY years ago, what have you done since to change anything ? Nothing I guess,

    Sorry Les I am not singling you out, unfortunately you made the point so I am using you as an example. I did also say 'We' but I too have no vote in UK.
    Yes I have done something helped to get labour out one of the main reasons we are in this mess.
    I take offence to your 'nothing I guess' comment
    I vote conservative but may change to another party far more to the right if this .... continues.

  26. #176
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    Sorry Les mate, I was saying 'I guess' from what you posted.

    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Sorry but you don't seem to understand how Mp's operate.
    It's like the same old chestnut about capital punishment you can have 90% of the population in favour but if your mp does not agree he will not vote for it-that's how it all works,you can jump up and down and do all you want but he won't change his mind.

    now I could vote for another party who's mp's might carry out my wishes but they probably would not get elected as the main parties have and possibly will always have power and these parties are too scared to sort this crap out.
    As I said that is not correct, unless the voters allow it to happen.

    Minority group do get their way because they speak out, loud and strong. IF the silent majority did the same they would not fail to do what we want.

  27. #177
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Sorry Les mate, I was saying 'I guess' from what you posted.

    As I said that is not correct, unless the voters allow it to happen.

    Minority group do get their way because they speak out, loud and strong. IF the silent majority did the same they would not fail to do what we want.
    I stand by what i said
    but if your mp does not agree he will not vote for it-that's how it all works,you can jump up and down and do all you want but he won't change his mind
    We need the right Mp's to start with which may not come from the usual party's but from other smaller but more vocal and decisive party's.
    Anyway I'm moving on from this one as no doubt there will be more to discuss tonight from events.

  28. #178
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    The off-licence near me was done over last night. My mate works there and about 30 youths in balaclava's came in nicked champagne, the contents of the till, the cigarettes and other stuff then smashed the place up.

  29. #179
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    tottenham have signed a new Somalian striker............ GRABATELLI

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  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    tottenham have signed a new Somalian striker............ GRABATELLI
    surely hes italian?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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