A sensible comment
Chuka Umunna, Labour MP for Streatham, which includes Brixton, says he wants to see Blackberry's messenger service "temporarily disabled" between 1800 BST and 0600 BST to stop those organising disorder.
A sensible comment
Chuka Umunna, Labour MP for Streatham, which includes Brixton, says he wants to see Blackberry's messenger service "temporarily disabled" between 1800 BST and 0600 BST to stop those organising disorder.
A large number of the knuckledraggers arrested have been charged with Burglary - max sentence 10 years. What's the odds on none being given anything like that ?
A problem with making arrests is that it usually takes at least two officers off the street for maybe a couple of hours. Thus its a balance which has to be struck.
In 1985 in the Broadwater Farm Riots we arrested around 300 in the days after the riot. On the night there were just a few arrests. Also its easier and less confrontational to arrest after the event.
The 'problem' is that they will get before a court maybe in a few months. By that time all will have been 'forgotten' and thus they will get less severe sentences.
I remember a man who was arrested for placing a hoax bomb. It was during an IRA bombing campaign in UK. When he got to court months later, again it was long after the fear of bombs. The judge treated it as a practical joke and got fined. The judge almost said the police were wasting his time bring 'frivolous' cases before him.
By the way, If they are charged with Aggravated burglary, IT carries up to life.
10. Aggravated burglary
(1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if he commits any burglary and at the
time has with him any firearm or imitation firearm, any weapon of offence, or any
explosive; and for this purpose-
(a) ‘firearm’ includes an airgun or air pistol, and ‘imitation firearm’ means
anything which has the appearance of being a firearm, whether capable of being
discharged or not; and
(b) ‘weapon of offence’ means any article made or adapted for use for
causing injury to or incapacitating a person, or intended by the person having it
with him for such use; and
(c) ‘explosive’ means any article manufactured for the purpose of producing
a practical effect by explosion, or intended by the person having it with him for
that purpose.
(2) A person guilty of aggravated burglary shall on conviction on indictment be liable
to imprisonment for life.
have a think about this .. on average each city/town affected has had about 100 or 200 youths in a concentrated group at any time for sake of arguement say 500 as a max... x say 10 cities /towns so 5000 moron acrsoo the country. again for sake of arguement (I have not checked ths numbers) but say 5 million youths in the country so 0.1% morons are wrecking the country and the image of the country. If 1% of the able bodied adults between say 20 and 45 (possibly another 5 million or more) then 50,000 adults were on the streets overnight , the little cowardly shits would skulk off home... time to take the streets back by ordinary folks.
however last night in Birmingham 3 Asian young men were run over and killed whilst trying to protect their neighbourhood. One man has now been charged with murder. I fear that they Asan community will want to exact their own revenge.
So what to do?
Last edited by scott&ligaya; 10th August 2011 at 08:00. Reason: spelling
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Originally Posted by scott&ligaya;307591
Just because only one person has been charged does not mean that others will not be when the investigation is complete.
Also, getting a conviction for murder may well prove impossible. They would need to prove the premeditation to kill or cause grievous bodily harm. That does mean prove it. not assume it from the circumstances (if one stabs a person the fact that common sense would say the attacker intended to kill or cause GBH is not sufficient, it must be PROVED. Example attacker was heard to say "I am going to kill you" )
That is why the offence of 'Causing death by dangerous driving' was put on the statute books. The intent could hardly ever be proved.
And remember, the jury bring in the verdict, and they are drawn at random from Joe Public' thus not always the smartest bunch !
Sorry I did not make the law, I am only the messenger,
yes John you are of course correctr but it perfectly illustrates why I believe the local Asian community may take things into their own hands. I hope the CCTV shows the car mounting the kerb, driving straight through the group and driving off as was decribed by one of the Asian lads on the news this morning, at least it indicates a deliberate intent toi harm if not kill
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
here is the news report
I wonder if these lads were british Asians wel integrated into the community or more recent inward looking immigrants?.... and does/should it it make any difference?
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
they could bring the army in ,,,,,,,,,,, but there too busy elswhere![]()
agreed, Army is not the answer, the answer is public outrage turned into community non violent action, just stand up to the little morons in numbers.
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
i wish i could do the same graham, to bad most of you are full of hot air and many of the posts in this thread need ignoring too!, other people will read them and might even agree with them![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
I'm out of the uk at the moment and only get a little while per day to check the internet but from what I can see its a narrow minded view that blames ethnic minorites in these cases. Sure in some instances that can be the case but on the whole I think its more to do with location than anything else. You look at the vast majority of people affected and its inner city residents who on the whole tend to be round the bread line. The likelyhood is that the majoritiy of minorities are 3rd or 4th generation in the uk now which makes them more british than some of my friends!!
Most of what seems to be happening is down to inner city folk on a copy cat rampage that resulted from a peaceful protest that went out of hand. I guarantee that 99% of those involved have no idea what kicked all this off. Ethnic communities will always mass together, thats human nature to be near your own kind, the main problem here is the standard of living that these inner city people have to deal with. It takes a very determined person to break the chain and try to get clear of these places, crime (quick cash rewards), poverty etc. Just look at the projects in the states. Thats what we're heading towards at a great rate of knots and our police force is just not equipped to deal with it.
It's been emontional
I agree that the Army shouldn't be used however they could teach the timid Met Police a thing or two about dealing with rioters.
In Ulster a volley of plastic bullets would show the mob who was in charge and then snatch squads would go in with bats and shields dragging the ring leaders out. All this would be under a cascade of petrol bombs which as far as I can see aren't so evident in the current situation.
130000 officers is concerning though. London had to be swamped last night by 12% (16000) of this number a figure that will be impossible to maintain for more than a few days. It also needs bearing in mind that along with the rest of the public service (when compared with private industry) the Police force suffers from disproportionately high numbers of those on sick leave, on training / ethnic awareness/ equality courses, on detachment, suspended on full pay etc etc. A fair chunk of the 130k will also be backroom staff who've not been on frontline duty for years. Worrying.......
What is needed is a roll back of the years to a stick policy where Joe Public respected and the Pondlife feared the Police. Of course this wouldn't be possible without seriously addressing the legislation and attitudes which strangle effective policing eg human rights, claim culture, health & safety etc.
The Police are in a difficult position here damned if they do and damned if they don't but the Met have done themselves no favours by standing back watching Anarchists, Poppy Burners and Looters.
And if you care to read my next sentence that follows on from the one you quoted - Sure in some instances that can be the case but on the whole I think its more to with location than anything else.
It's been emontional
I think many will find it interesting to learn more about those who have already been arrested and appeared before magistrates.
There is a wide spectrum of backgrounds.
I agree that the Army shouldn't be used however they could teach the timid Met Police a thing or two about dealing with rioters
The situation we have now, after incidents like the Ian Tominlson incident, is that the ordinary copper is more worried about repercussions if he uses any force than of he does not. Standing back will not get him the sack, getting stuck in might well do.
At a time when increased police numbers are required, all courses are suspended, all back room staff who are not essential to the present task are moved to the urgent ones and all leave is cancelled.Originally Posted by Dedworth;307639
There have been occasions in the Met were new recruits in training school have also been employed.
John (retired Met Police)
Terpe is correct , wide range of backgrounds, this is pure thieving supported by a belief that they will not be caught and even if they are they will not be punished. Greed does not discriminate. That being said there is no escaping the fact that many of the looters are indeed not exactly of anglo saxon descent, that does not mean that them being black is the problem, that is an absurd arguement.
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
I am sure we all work with and know socially Jamacian and African colleagues and can testify to their contribution to our society and their determination to raise the families in a respectful and very "British" way.
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
But regrettably there is a connection and unless society are allowed to see and discuss that then the problem cannot be addressed. Rather like the fact that most young murder victims in London are black. If that cannot be addressed how can the young black lads be protected. Burying heads in the sand is not an answer, facing reality might be.
Agreed, too many people are firghtened to discuss anything to do with race or many minority issues for that matter for fear of the PC brigade.
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
About 200 or so youths went on the rampage in Leicester last night. Fortunately the Police did a good job and managed to contain the situation, resulting in just a few broken shop windows rather than dozens of burned out and ransacked shops.
I don't think this has anything to do with black or white now, in Leicester we have a fairly low proportion of Afro Carribeans, but a very high proportion of south Asians (mainly Hindu's). There may have been some black and asian youths involved, but the majority were white trailer trash from the roughest estates in the city. This isn't a race thing, it's thieving low life scum of all colours and races coming out to nick whatever they want and cause as much destruction as possible.
Good piece here from Max Hastings
Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/ar...#ixzz1UdUJbGKG
News flash !!! The riots in darlington have just started causing £1000's of pounds worth of improvements........
Sorry,couldnt resist that joke,my mate from the 'Boro TXT it to me.
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.
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