scarier and scarier every day it seems.... well at least if you are unlucky enhough to live in certain parts of the country. I will admit to being sheltered mostly from the less salubrious elements of our current society but apart from reading stuff and watching the news I have not seen major effects on my or my familys life to date. I was a bit shocked the other week when I went on a bus in Birmingham for the 1st time since the mid eighties and went out to Wednesbury on the Wolverhampton 79 service. I kid you not that I was one of two white people on the bus!!!!! felt wierd like being back on the MTR in hong Kong where being 6ft 2 and blond haired/fair skinned you stick out!!!!. I did not however feel unconfortable or in danger in any way even as we drove through Handsworth LOL. My fellow passengers in the main were travelling home from the city , were well dressed, seemed happy enough with their lot and were just your average office/shop workers heading home. In fact the South Asian lady next to me engaged me in conversation about the weather hehehehehe how British is that!!!. Equally there are areas of the Uk where the ethnic minorities have CHOSEN and been ALLOWED to not integrate in any way. This is where the seeds of resentment and ignorance have started and what need challenging.

The UK seems the only place in the world where the majority of the ciitizens have been made to feel like 2nd class citiziens in their own country. the thread on pensionsers vs asylum seekers said it all for me