Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
One of the problems in UK is that some (maybe many) members of the immigrant community (and I include their offspring) have over the years established the right to be treated differently from the average citizen.

Why should any group expect to be provided with public money to support their (alien) community and the way of life they may have had before they arrived? Why should they be able to demand that the system be changed to suit them?

When a person settles in UK they get all the rights that everyone has, free education, free health service, social security benefits etc. So why should they demand and get more? But they do and they will continue to do so.

I live in Spain. If I am lucky I get a fair deal compared with Spaniards. I am grateful for that, I do not expect to get a better deal.
A very valid point

Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
Why should they be able to demand that the system be changed to suit them?
The answer to this is the Labour Party buying the immigrant vote and as you know they extended this by throwing open the floodgates to mass uncontrolled immigration thus having millions of future voters beholden to them.

I'm not really sure how many years it's been going on so it might be wrong to say the Tories haven't had the balls to change it - however I suspect they don't have them otherwise Human Rights legislation would be binned by now.