Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post

Everyone with a vote in UK does. The problem is, not really who you vote for but what you INSIST he or she does when they are in power. It's no good just voting and then sitting back for five years until the next election. Like all the vociferous minority groups who get laws implemented and changed, you must harass your MP to do what the majority want.

Unfortunately I know in saying this I am p------ in the wind.

I have to pay taxes in UK but I don't have a vote. You who do, PLEASE get into gear and make your voices heard.
Sorry but you don't seem to understand how Mp's operate.
It's like the same old chestnut about capital punishment you can have 90% of the population in favour but if your mp does not agree he will not vote for it-that's how it all works,you can jump up and down and do all you want but he won't change his mind.

now I could vote for another party who's mp's might carry out my wishes but they probably would not get elected as the main parties have and possibly will always have power and these parties are too scared to sort this crap out.