The 'problem' is that they will get before a court maybe in a few months. By that time all will have been 'forgotten' and thus they will get less severe sentences.
I remember a man who was arrested for placing a hoax bomb. It was during an IRA bombing campaign in UK. When he got to court months later, again it was long after the fear of bombs. The judge treated it as a practical joke and got fined. The judge almost said the police were wasting his time bring 'frivolous' cases before him.
By the way, If they are charged with Aggravated burglary, IT carries up to life.
10. Aggravated burglary
(1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if he commits any burglary and at the
time has with him any firearm or imitation firearm, any weapon of offence, or any
explosive; and for this purpose-
(a) ‘firearm’ includes an airgun or air pistol, and ‘imitation firearm’ means
anything which has the appearance of being a firearm, whether capable of being
discharged or not; and
(b) ‘weapon of offence’ means any article made or adapted for use for
causing injury to or incapacitating a person, or intended by the person having it
with him for such use; and
(c) ‘explosive’ means any article manufactured for the purpose of producing
a practical effect by explosion, or intended by the person having it with him for
that purpose.
(2) A person guilty of aggravated burglary shall on conviction on indictment be liable
to imprisonment for life.