Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
There around 130,000 'professional' police officers in UK

The army is trained to fight wars not to police city. Bit like calling them in because there are not enough brain surgeons ! Not the answer.
I agree that the Army shouldn't be used however they could teach the timid Met Police a thing or two about dealing with rioters.

In Ulster a volley of plastic bullets would show the mob who was in charge and then snatch squads would go in with bats and shields dragging the ring leaders out. All this would be under a cascade of petrol bombs which as far as I can see aren't so evident in the current situation.

130000 officers is concerning though. London had to be swamped last night by 12% (16000) of this number a figure that will be impossible to maintain for more than a few days. It also needs bearing in mind that along with the rest of the public service (when compared with private industry) the Police force suffers from disproportionately high numbers of those on sick leave, on training / ethnic awareness/ equality courses, on detachment, suspended on full pay etc etc. A fair chunk of the 130k will also be backroom staff who've not been on frontline duty for years. Worrying.......

What is needed is a roll back of the years to a stick policy where Joe Public respected and the Pondlife feared the Police. Of course this wouldn't be possible without seriously addressing the legislation and attitudes which strangle effective policing eg human rights, claim culture, health & safety etc.

The Police are in a difficult position here damned if they do and damned if they don't but the Met have done themselves no favours by standing back watching Anarchists, Poppy Burners and Looters.