Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
The amount of black "Yoof workers" and "Yoof co-ordinators" popping out of the woodwork is ridiculous,theres just been one in her 50's giving a reporter hassle with her "Its ok for you lot,you got a slice of the pie,you went to university and got good jobs,but whats in it for these kids" is she really so thick?Its black-chip on shoulder time,and theres just been another "Yoof-leader" who said your looking at this problem from a white perspective these downtrodden,underprivelidged ghetto living yoof really havent got a clue,send them packing to the gehttos of their forefathers,Yard or Mogadishu,thats REAL ghettos sans 40" plasma TV's Nike air trainers(courtesy of JB Sports)and fortnightly benefit payments,sans running water and electricity,what a load of crap these community leaders spout

Interesting to see on TV the ethnicity of the rioters/looters at the start it mainly seemed to be the bruvvas and boyz n de hood but as the copycats kicked off there's white trash, mixed race and non oriental asians at it. I'd be happy to see a lynch mob have a selection of all swinging from lamp posts.