Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
Its been brewing for years and the authorities have been warned but chose to ignore it and even aspirate it buy closing the youth centers and reducing funds to these type of youth programme, Mabey the goverment are giving the public a reason to cry out for a police state, Mind what you wish for ect...
If it wasn't for the fact that many people have mind numbing jobs just about earning enough to fulfill thier responsibilites to feed mouths and pay ever inflating prices for gas, electric, petrol. tax ect. I believe there would be more out on the streets, again possible what the government are pushing for.
Are the real criminals in the 24hr court like the bankers that let the money crisis happen, People lost thier homes and jobs and some committed suicide over it, No they are sat in their little mansions in Kensington, If there was trouble there I bet Johncar and his police buddies would react a lot quicker and more robustly

Just because you gave a few lectures doesn't mean you are right johncar!!... just means you were complicit.

com·plic·it (km-plst)
Associated with or participating in a questionable act or a crime; having complicity: newspapers complicit with the propaganda arm of a dictatorship. Or Goverment

There was no council housing, nhs, benefits or nanny state in the 1930's. Plenty of real poverty, unemployment and depression - they didn't riot and loot though and nor was there a problem with illict drugs.