Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post

But he added: "Children's ideas of right and wrong don't just come from their parents. And we can't honestly say the greed, selfishness and gross irresponsibility that shocked us all so deeply is confined to the looters, or even to their parents.

"It's not the first time we've seen this kind of me first, take what you can culture. The bankers who took millions while destroying people's savings – greedy, selfish and immoral. The MPs who fiddled their expenses – greedy, selfish and immoral. The people who hacked phones to get stories to make money for themselves – greedy, selfish and immoral.

"People who talk about the sick behaviour of those without power should talk equally about the sick behaviour of those with power.

....Well he took his time saying it perhaps he reads this forum and reads my post ??

Whilst of course one cannot draw a line between what did or did not influence those involved, I find it hard to accept that 'rather academic' argument.

In 1985 we did not have (or maybe did not know about) the bankers, MP etc, but the Broadwater Farm riot was no different in essence from the recent ones. A small supermarket was looted and set on fire.

The main difference was that it took place on a housing estate rather than amongst sports and electrical shops. However, as I explained earlier, that riot was planned to take place in Shopping City. Two police personnel carriers turning onto the estate, by mistake, caused a 'premature' kick off.