sometimes I do not understand, Filipina workers should know about this as they will have seminars or even heard stories from colleagues about this matter. Why still doing it Can't kiss in public unless you are married with the man. Police even ask for a marriage contract if u are caught. Heard from a nieghbour story long time ago that he had a relationship with this lady (dubai resident). When the lady's family knew about it, the Dad pick him up from work to stay away from his daughter. Arrange marriage is already set for his daughter. Still they carry on with their relationship & was picked up again by the family to give him lesson. Reported to the police & was sent back home to the Phils even his contract had not ended yet. He even change his religion from catholic to muslim before he was deported, still didn't work.
Hope Pinays/Pinoys will not take for granted the country's law. Old saying goes, if you're in Rome, do as the Romans do