Too many horror stories!
An Australian Mate of mine was surfing in Mindanao last year and after he came out of the water was approached by a poor fisherman who pleaded with him to " just take" one of his 5 daughters to be a maid "or"????that he had all ready and lined up for my friend to look at!
This is how poor and desparate these people sometimes are. My Aussie Mate is married to a Pinoy and can speak a little of the local dialect, he put a few pesos in the fishermans hand feeling sorry for him and his kids and drove off alone. He later recalled to me that the kids look mystified and were aged between approx 12-17!
Tragic story
I myself was offered a 16 year old wide eyed innocent as i was walking through a Southern Chinese city 3 years ago, i ranted at her low-life pimp but obviously he did not understand.
Sadly this is rife all over Asia!![]()