Me and my fiance' is about to apply for a fiancee' visa after almost 2 years of a long distance relationship though he visited me here and i visited him too in UK just recently. Now, i am worried not just like when i applied for visit visa that i was granted immediately with out further interview so we thought we provide all the necessary documents that satisfied the ECO.

The reason is, my fiance's local registry office won't give even the "PROPOSED" Date for a wedding, with a proposed date for the reception unless we obtain the fiance visa and they gave him leaflet on how to register marriage in UK and passed it on to me and read it.

In PETE's website: Fiance(e) Visa Special Update, it says that the information is of great help because most likely it would be asked by the ECO.

I just wonder why his local registry office won't give if other applicant's sponsor got it in some area. ( please note that my fiance' explained to the staff that we needed it for our fiancee' visa application and he told to that it's important to have it to further strengthen our case )

I'm worried to the effect of my visa application.
Any advice please.