
I am marrying my filipino g/f in september in her hometown of Butuan in Mindanao, having visited her twice in the last 12 months.

After the embassy malarky (yes I have an appointment!) and then flying back to Butuan to register for the marriage license, we intend to go on a pre-wedding honeymoon, maybe to Hong Kong for a week. So it seems to me I will only be in the fils for 1.5weeks then another 2.5 weeks when we get back - so less than 21 days in any one visit. So I am thinking I can get away without applying either here in UK or in Phils for a stay extension? Can anyone see any problem with my cunning plan?

If we dont go to Hong Kong then it is likely to be Boracay so I will then need to get a stay extension. I remember seeing on this forum that you could apply for an extension once in the Fils but I cant find the details now. Could someone tell me where you have to go to apply if I leave it until arrival? Is it at the airport?
