well after all the reading and studying, and to tell the truth , the boring me about boring england, scotland and wales too, she has passed her life in the uk, well done emma, kentucky fried chicken friday night for you, love ya
well after all the reading and studying, and to tell the truth , the boring me about boring england, scotland and wales too, she has passed her life in the uk, well done emma, kentucky fried chicken friday night for you, love ya
congratulations to Emma! Well done![]()
congratulations Emma! Great news![]()
so she passes her test then you try to poison her
seriously congrats on getting that bit closer -my Myrna hasnt taken it yet
congratulations emma... I love KFC too!
gratz emma...that double choc from macdo was very nice...told you its just easy...peanut lol
Many congratz Emma
Well done to u too Steve
Gotta be worth more than KFC![]()
Congratulations to Emma
It's always nice to get that one out of the way.
Congrats Ems![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
congratulations Emma you did good i failed it lol only pratise test i was born in uk 49 yrs and i failed itonly need to get my fiencee here then it starts for her very best to you good luck
WELL DONE Emma, I will ask Ligaya to buy the coffees this afternoon in Westfields, I understand you are joining Grace and her there today
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Well done Emma![]()
Well done Emma! I know what a relief this must be for you.
Thank you Moy for this link. I intend to take the test in October. I'm done with the official practice questions and answers for 4 times..This will be an additional practice test for me. I'll go with the idea from here to take the test as early as possible (no expiry date for the certificate). Thanks again
go onto the computer and type in LIFE IN THE UK TEST on google and there they are then you can practise as long as you want![]()
Wow! congratulations to ate Emma!i love KFC drumstick (leg) with gravyyyy!!! my fiance Mike is aways getting this for me as a special request each time & he is such an obedient love
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