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Thread: so called human beings

  1. #31
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    I believe that the environmental factor plays an important role in building a individual or society. These youngster haven't seen the other side of the country, nor experience what it's like to be deprived. People in this country are very lucky to claim benefits when they cannot get a job and can be a total ingrate to government and fellow countrymen who put in half of their months wages into taxes to keep this country floating and in shape.

    Discipline is nothing have to do with smacking the child, its about facing the consequences when one commit a mistake. Making them aware what is wrong and what is logical way to approaching the difficulties in life.

    I can understand if they were breaking some doors/windows because they were hungry and haven't eaten at all, instead they were taking laptops, clothes, computers, mobile phones and burning properties, livelihoods. A very shameful act because even the third world countries rioters don't go looting in shops to get mobile phones and etc.

    The human value and for its society is gone. It is not only youngster who went there to loot, some were educator, a lawyer graduate from uni, social worker... all sorts because of stupid and very lame reasons.

    I salute those people who helped clean up the cities after the mess they maid. It shows that the good spirit of humanity still lingers even though chaos and its virus inflected to the society that made the recent events put UK on top of news in the world.
    Life as we make it

  2. #32
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    It can be targeted and prevented in the future by sterilisation
    Getting into the realms of genocide with that one Ian, but I understand exactly where you are coming from. I shame society perpetuates the same behavior.
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  3. #33
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    I believe that the environmental factor plays an important role in building a individual or society. These youngster haven't seen the other side of the country, nor experience what it's like to be deprived. People in this country are very lucky to claim benefits when they cannot get a job and can be a total ingrate to government and fellow countrymen who put in half of their months wages into taxes to keep this country floating and in shape.

    Discipline is nothing have to do with smacking the child, its about facing the consequences when one commit a mistake. Making them aware what is wrong and what is logical way to approaching the difficulties in life.

    I can understand if they were breaking some doors/windows because they were hungry and haven't eaten at all, instead they were taking laptops, clothes, computers, mobile phones and burning properties, livelihoods. A very shameful act because even the third world countries rioters don't go looting in shops to get mobile phones and etc.

    The human value and for its society is gone. It is not only youngster who went there to loot, some were educator, a lawyer graduate from uni, social worker... all sorts because of stupid and very lame reasons.

    I salute those people who helped clean up the cities after the mess they maid. It shows that the good spirit of humanity still lingers even though chaos and its virus inflected to the society that made the recent events put UK on top of news in the world.
    I totally agree with you purple
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Getting into the realms of genocide with that one Ian, but I understand exactly where you are coming from. I shame society perpetuates the same behavior.
    I agree Steve, I don't advocate it However, it's a sad day when the majority of the law abiding society start to think about inhumane forms of punishment because they are sick and tired of the minority who are responsible for the majority of crime in this country, and who don't feel that the politicians, courts, social services....etc do enough to protect them. I'm not going to be critical of the Police, they are not responsible for making the laws or dishing out sentences. They are merely enforcers of the laws and have to do what Parliament (and of course Euro legislators) tell them. I've met a lot of Police Officers over the years via my work, the vast majority are normal everyday people like the rest of us. I have the upmost respect for them, they have a difficult and often dangerous job which isn't made any easy when they have to contend with rules and regulations which protect offenders rights. Someone who commits a serious offence should lose all of their human rights and the Police should be allowed to aprehend them by any means necessary. If the suspects resists arrest or starts throwing bricks and the boot or baton have to go in, so be it

  5. #35
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    My asawa tells me that her family were poor, she always wore hand-me-down clothes never had a new pair of slippers, and the ones she had had holes in or were falling apart, she always walked to school a couple of miles away, and sometimes never ate from one day to the next.
    She has never rioted, but appreciates the fact that she is able to survive the hardships of life, and like most Filipino families, celebrate life.

    I think these fools who riot here need to learn a few things from our partners.
    steve, you could be describing how it is for some kids in the UK

    was you a teacher in the past steve?

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