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well makes me so proud to be living in our great country of so many nationalitys here, watching the news yesterday the women from mcr i think with her offspring standing next to her saying about the thug being shot is causing all this and the poeple have nothing to look forward too, what a prat i thought , the man who stood up to her and questioned her was told to keep walking or something like that, a orrible person with a gob, then the prat jumping in the camera , ROIT RIOT RIOT man, well the poles and the rest of them coming here taking our jobs, what do people think of the brittish person, not very little i think, my emma cannot understand how this can happen bless her, would never happen in my country she says, and what about diane abbot , i think thats her name , my god what is she , yse i dont know everything and to say again i am a very frightened person living in my own country at this moment, i dont think the police can protect us all and god help you if you stand up to anyone , expect to be injured or worst, this is not ment to upset anyone or anything , parrets included , just me having a moan