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Thread: Judge says blame the Government for rioters sentences

  1. #1
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    Judge says blame the Government for rioters sentences

    From BBC News:

    A district judge dealing with cases relating to disorder in Nottingham has said people should speak to the government if sentences seemed lenient.

    Tim Devas, district judge at Nottingham Magistrates Court, also told Craig Cave, 26, of Burrows Avenue, Beeston, to "sort his life out".

    Cave was found guilty of obstructing the police and was fined £60.

    Mr Devas went on to ask Cave if he now felt ashamed about being one of the "hundreds of yobbos" arrested.

    'Scum' tag

    Addressing Cave at Nottingham Magistrates' Court, Judge Devas said: "Let me give you a piece of worldly advice. Get a life, sort yourself out.

    "Don't you feel ashamed that you are now counted among the hundreds of yobbos arrested and now considered as scum by the public?"

    He went on to address the court in general, saying: "If there are any criticisms of sentences handed down by the courts, if you want anyone to blame, then go and speak to the government.

    "Do not blame the judges or the magistrates who do their jobs professionally and abide by the guidelines set down."

    So far, 105 people have been arrested and more than 60 have been charged after two nights of disorder in Nottingham.

    The arrests include an 11-year-old girl who admitted criminal damage and attempted criminal damage and was given a nine-month referral order.

    Three remand courts have been working extra hours to process those in custody.

  2. #2
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    Lily livered Judge ought to keep his mouth shut, on top of the 60 quid he should have given the scrote a month inside

    The offence of obstructing a police officer is committed when a person:

    wilfully obstructs
    a constable in the execution of his duty, or

    a person assisting a constable in the execution of the constable's duty.

    It is a summary only offence carrying a maximum penalty of one month's imprisonment and/or a level 3 fine.

  3. #3
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    I read somewhere that Magistrates in Birmingham were referring cases to the Crown Court as they felt they were unable to dish out harsh enough sentences to the rioters - at least some Judges are in touch with reality

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I read somewhere that Magistrates in Birmingham were referring cases to the Crown Court as they felt they were unable to dish out harsh enough sentences to the rioters - at least some Judges are in touch with reality
    I think some are this fella's obviously a limp wrister. I heard earlier R4 I think that 75% are getting remanded in custody for referral as you say to Crown Court which I suppose is encouraging. As posted before a lot are charged with burglary - a shame there's not some old offence of something like rioting and sedition on the statute books with a minimum of 12 years or transportation to some hell hole

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i think the people that should sentence these t---ts, are the people whos lives was wreaked or did suffer what these had done, i think that is a fairer system

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i think the people that should sentence these t---ts, are the people whos lives was wreaked or did suffer what these had done, i think that is a fairer system
    An excellent idea - it would also keep the undertakers busy

  7. #7
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    Whilst there's little doubt about the guilt of the scum up before the courts, we can't have Kangaroo courts convicting people and the public dishing out its own form of retribution. The Magna Carta states that no man shall be denied the right to justice. This is an ancient law that helped England and later Britain become the example of a fair legal system that has been exported around the world. It's a shame that Eurobeaks and Civil Liberties dogooders have diluted the great English legal system

  8. #8
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i know Ian we cant but what will happen to these , i say not much , its just a way to vent what most are thinking

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i know Ian we cant but what will happen to these , i say not much , its just a way to vent what most are thinking
    Steve, I know how you feel. If I was a victim of one of these scumbags, I would want my own vengeance...but is it the answer?. Two wrongs don't make a right. We have to leave it to the Police, CPS and Courts, they are the ones trained how to deal with it.

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    It's a shame that Eurobeaks and Civil Liberties dogooders have diluted the great English legal system
    PRECISELY, Ian ... my main criticism of successive British governments would be that they've "caved~in" (pun used in relation to the surname of the offender you've mentioned in #1!) for far too long to the dictates of the Eurocrats.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Steve, I know how you feel. If I was a victim of one of these scumbags, I would want my own vengeance...but is it the answer?. Two wrongs don't make a right. We have to leave it to the Police, CPS and Courts, they are the ones trained how to deal with it.
    I disagree - those 3 bodies run by politically correct time servers who would find it hard to gain employment in any other sector are responsible for a great deal of the problem

    Courts handing out farcical sentences that do not punish or deter - look how many serial offenders avoid custodial sentences

    CPS failing to prosecute - shoplifters, untold sex offenders getting off with a caution

    Police - The individual lower rank Officers generally do a reasonable job but I'd cite......
    Turning a blind eye to all sorts of criminal antisocial behaviour, hiding behind desks or in patrol cars. Ensuring that the motorist remains the cash cow of the century. Ignoring the real criminals when there's easier targets about.

    Possible action against me is with the CPS at the moment, my alleged crime Dangerous, Careless or Inconsiderate driving. I won't go into too much detail but it involved driving at 15mph for 20 yards ( before turning into my destination office entrance) past a "road closure" (yellow no waiting cone in centre of road which might have covered a broken manhole for all I knew). How a yellow no waiting cone (complete with clearway symbol) in the middle of the road can indicate a road closure I don't know - a blue sign with white wording Police Road Closed would be a better idea. If I'm up at the Old Bailey I will keep this forum informed

  12. #12
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Possible action against me is with the CPS at the moment, my alleged crime Dangerous, Careless or Inconsiderate driving. I won't go into too much detail but it involved driving at 15mph for 20 yards ( before turning into my destination office entrance) past a "road closure" (yellow no waiting cone in centre of road which might have covered a broken manhole for all I knew). How a yellow no waiting cone (complete with clearway symbol) in the middle of the road can indicate a road closure I don't know - a blue sign with white wording Police Road Closed would be a better idea. If I'm up at the Old Bailey I will keep this forum informed
    how many years should crime scum get for breaking the law, i completely agree with everything you have posted in the past and we should put your ideas into practice asap
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I disagree - those 3 bodies run by politically correct time servers who would find it hard to gain employment in any other sector are responsible for a great deal of the problem

    Courts handing out farcical sentences that do not punish or deter - look how many serial offenders avoid custodial sentences

    CPS failing to prosecute - shoplifters, untold sex offenders getting off with a caution

    Police - The individual lower rank Officers generally do a reasonable job but I'd cite......
    Turning a blind eye to all sorts of criminal antisocial behaviour, hiding behind desks or in patrol cars. Ensuring that the motorist remains the cash cow of the century. Ignoring the real criminals when there's easier targets about.

    Possible action against me is with the CPS at the moment, my alleged crime Dangerous, Careless or Inconsiderate driving. I won't go into too much detail but it involved driving at 15mph for 20 yards ( before turning into my destination office entrance) past a "road closure" (yellow no waiting cone in centre of road which might have covered a broken manhole for all I knew). How a yellow no waiting cone (complete with clearway symbol) in the middle of the road can indicate a road closure I don't know - a blue sign with white wording Police Road Closed would be a better idea. If I'm up at the Old Bailey I will keep this forum informed
    I'm not saying the law enforcers in this country are right Ded, or that our laws are robust enough, but until they are changed, they are the laws, and we should obey are always going on about people showing no respect for our laws and how people should obey them

    Sounds like a pretty serious offence you've commited there 18 month driving ban, £1000 fine and 30 lashes I reckon

  14. #14
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    Sounds like I'll avoid the death penalty then

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Sounds like I'll avoid the death penalty then
    Only if it's your first offence

  16. #16
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    is it because the jails are choco block, that criminals get away with custodial sentances ?
    a £6 fine and or 1 month sentence is just a joke, its taking the

    it must be very disheartning for the police for the arrest the time , the paperwork, the cost and it must exceed the what the fine is.,
    and very disapointing for the victims, they wont feel justice is done,

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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    is it because the jails are choco block, that criminals get away with custodial sentances ?
    a £6 fine and or 1 month sentence is just a joke, its taking the

    it must be very disheartning for the police for the arrest the time , the paperwork, the cost and it must exceed the what the fine is.,
    and very disapointing for the victims, they wont feel justice is done,
    The offenders can flog their ill gotten gains on Ebay to pay their fines

  18. #18
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    I bet these scumbags wouldn't have looted if the law was like Saudi's

  19. #19
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    Looks like judges are starting to sense the public's disgust for rioters and are dishing out more appropriate sentences

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Looks like judges are starting to sense the public's disgust for rioters and are dishing out more appropriate sentences
    Good news but it only goes to highlight the fact that for years they have ignored the publics concern about limpwristed punishments by only passing the minimum sentence. There's been no change to the offence statutes or sentencing guidlines in response to these outrages so it highlights what a different planet magistrates and judiciary are on

  21. #21
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    This is a classic - well done the Judge for not falling for the crocodile tears

    London riots: Lidl water thief jailed for six months

    A college student with no criminal record was jailed for six months on Thursday for stealing a £3.50 case of bottled water during a night of rioting.

    When he comes out he should see if he can join the Irish Olympic Looting Team as head coach

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Possible action against me is with the CPS at the moment, my alleged crime Dangerous, Careless or Inconsiderate driving. I won't go into too much detail but it involved driving at 15mph for 20 yards ( before turning into my destination office entrance) past a "road closure" (yellow no waiting cone in centre of road which might have covered a broken manhole for all I knew). How a yellow no waiting cone (complete with clearway symbol) in the middle of the road can indicate a road closure I don't know - a blue sign with white wording Police Road Closed would be a better idea. If I'm up at the Old Bailey I will keep this forum informed

    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I'm not saying the law enforcers in this country are right Ded, or that our laws are robust enough, but until they are changed, they are the laws, and we should obey are always going on about people showing no respect for our laws and how people should obey them

    Sounds like a pretty serious offence you've commited there 18 month driving ban, £1000 fine and 30 lashes I reckon
    All allegations dropped - I'm in the clear. This follows a Court Summons for failing to complete the identity of the driver paperwork in time - I phoned the prosecution office & told them I was happy for it to go to trial and I'd be pleading not guilty with my Royal Mail proof of delivery and would be getting a quote from Mr Loophole with a view to racking up costs

  23. #23
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    Well done .

    I intend to sell the vehicles I own ASAP.

    The state of the roads, the expense, the hassle and stress simply makes it not worth it anymore.

  24. #24
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Hey I only promised one free taxi in Harrogate Graham-not lifelong deal

  25. #25
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    I intend to sell the vehicles I own ASAP.

    The state of the roads, the expense, the hassle and stress simply makes it not worth it anymore.
    Good , Graham ... ... you'll find you're a lot better off ... financially - and experience a great deal less hassle - when you [eventually] get your free bus pass!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Hey I only promised one free taxi in Harrogate Graham-not lifelong deal
    Damn...and I was planning on being your 'driver's mate'.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Good , Graham ... ... you'll find you're a lot better off ... financially - and experience a great deal less hassle - when you [eventually] get your free bus pass!
    Well I did manage to walk to town and back today without sitting down halfway there on the 'pensioner's bench'.

  28. #28
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    When the judge says .." blame the government" i quite agree with him.. id even go further to say blame the likes of exonon, shell and bp... these are the trouble causers and the worlds public enemy in my mind... their monopoly of oil has caused so much tension world wide... and they have been the the global looters of oil world wide... they can rip a country apart over a price of a barrel and at the end of the day you really dont fk about with opec... the biggest legalised criminal lawyer of oil producing countries.. opec can and will destroy you if they want to.. .. you may loot a pair of trainers worth 50 quid from some high street shop and get say 3 months prison to teach you a lesson after the recent riots... wot does exonon or bp get fined wen they strip a country or starve a nation ... sweet fk all

  29. #29
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    We should have kept ownership of the oilfields instead of handing them back to a bunch of gun-toting camel-jockeys and their medieval religious nonsense.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    We should have kept ownership of the oilfields instead of handing them back to a bunch of gun-toting camel-jockeys and their medieval religious nonsense.
    Dead right fuel would be 50p a gallon and the Bedouin would till be in their tents rather than country estates in S E England

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