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I hope by posting this here in our shared account she will listen to others advice to stop taking her mums medicine.
Her mom complains of high blood pressure, and arthritis, she takes Cow's Head Brand Tung Shueh made in Taiwan...god only knows why after i explained to her daughter it contains diazepam (Valium) she is still getting her daughter to take it. They are a religious family. i don't know why she is putting this stuff into her daughter. I'm sure it has made her feel better but its because of the Valium.
Trying to convince a Pinay you know best is very hard don't you think? They always think their family knows best, even though they should know just because someone is from the old school does not always mean it was the better school? Does someone agree? It's not like I am trying to drive a wedge between her and her mother...
Anyway so u can see from my post i am not my girlfriend. we both share this account and i hoped it would help us get an outside opinion and corroborate facts on certain issues and alleviate culture clashes. Hope no one minds.