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Thread: Dengue Vaccine - Good News ... but be patient !

  1. #1
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    Dengue Vaccine - Good News ... but be patient !

    There is a global pandemic of dengue, the commonest mosquito - borne disease, caused by an RNA flavivirus. No curative drug or vaccine are yet available. Part of the problem has been that the virus only infects humans, and there are 4 strains. The " 4-S " prevention measures ( Search and destroy breeding sites ; Self - protection ; Seeking early supportive treatment ; Saying no to indiscriminate fogging / spraying agents ) clearly haven't worked. At last news comes from Laguna in the Philippines of an advanced trial of a vaccine by Sanofi - Pasteur ( ). The trial is to be extended to Cebu.
    It could be " fast - tracked " if no dangerous side - effects are discovered. But it could take until 2014 before the vaccine becomes available to the world...
    This is potentially excellent news for the Philippines ( where dengue was first reported 60 years ago ) and the world.
    Sadly, until the vaccine is available ( and affordable ) the number of cases of dengue seems destined to rise.
    Remember, treatment is supportive - bed rest, hydration, paracetamol ( NOT aspirin / ibuprofen which might aggravate internal bleeding ). That at least ensures that most people getting dengue will recover

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Fingers crossed there will be an affordable vaccine soon.

    Personally, I think Dengue is more frightening than Malaria.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    I was diagnosed with it in 1994...while living out in the province.

    Well that's what the Doc seemed to think anyway...could have been something different.

    My temperature was 41.5C, and I lost probably a couple of stone in weight in a few days. Actually couldn't walk without help.

    Luckily I was normally strong and healthy, but something I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Fingers crossed there will be an affordable vaccine soon.

    Personally, I think Dengue is more frightening than Malaria.
    Must say I tend to agree with.
    Although, I must say I had a work mate who did get Malaria, nearly killed him and eventually cost him his job. Last time I saw him was about 4 years ago and his personal life and working life was still seriously impacted. Maybe he is just unlucky I don't know.

  5. #5
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    Part of the problem with dengue is that pesticide resistance is increasing. Now it's just been reported in " Nature " that a team of Australian scientists have discovered a new way of preventing transmission. They infected mosquitoes with a bug ( Wolbachia ) which somehow stops them transmitting dengue. When these mosquitoes were released they interbred with " wild " mosquitoes, which in turn became resistant to dengue. Obviously further research needs to be done - in countries like Philippines and Thailand - but this method is cheap and apparently effective . It's further good news as evidence that dengue IS being taken seriously.

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    Technology and research making a difference.
    Amazing how fast things can progress these days, given the investment.

  7. #7
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Yes Doc, more good news... it seems this finding the "neutering gene " as it were is the best way forward on many nasty viruses out there
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    Using nature to fight to be the best way.

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