Hi Steve, yeah it's a complicated one and I don't know the full details myself as yet. Basically jen is married but separated. However her mum is over in Phils visiting from Australia (where she has lived for 23 years) and she tells me that Jens marriage is false and thast her husband has married again!!! So my obvious response was to question how he could marry again without going through an annullment process. Anyway, her mum reckons that she can get official documentation from the NSO (National Statistics Office) in Manila to say that she is not married....I have my doubts but her mum seems convinced she can do this. She said she did it to enable her to marry an Australian guy and go to Oz as his wife. Still with me!!!??? hahahaha
I think i'm might be getting confused as its hard to hear conversations over webcam on yahoo sometimes.
Anyway, it seems to be something to do with if the husband has married again then it nullifies the first marriage!? I don't really know if this is right but hey I live in hope. We had planned for getting Jen's marriage annulled anyway, so any advice on that option is always welcome...
Sorry for such a long and convoluted, confusing first post guys & thanks in advance for any advice.