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Thread: 600 rioters were on parole from jail

  1. #1
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    600 rioters were on parole from jail

    A third of the rioters who brought violence and shame to Britain’s streets were on parole or subject to a community or youth rehabilitation order.

    It's no surprise to read this I hope when the animals are found guilty they also have to complete their original sentence with no parole/early release

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    now thats interesting statistics

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Prisons were never set up to 'rehabilitate' people. They are a punishment, and keep people locked up so they can't commit a crime. It's that simple but politicians for decades don't realise that .... Prison DOES WORK ..... and the above is proof. If they were all still locked up then they wouldn't have been in the riots. SIMPLE
    Keith - Administrator

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