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Thread: Subservient

  1. #1
    Respected Member Notavirusalso's Avatar
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    Basic tactics,
    Divide and conquer,
    Give the people what they want,
    Remeber We are all in this together ?

    Lets have another public enquiry, Sounds good to me, more tax payers money going to waste (waste read lawyers,judges and politicians.
    Easier still just shot yourself if you jump a red light.
    Or mabey try thinking for youselfs and stop being so hypercritical unless you liked being domanated and being told what to do, say and think.
    Yes, I can spell, Just can't tpye

  2. #2
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    I followed the link and read the article.

    Are we are all in this together? Of course not. And it has always been the case. Most likely will continue to be the case.
    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    Eventually I will leave Blighty to enjoy my retirement in Philippines. But not because I feel England (UK) is going down the pan.
    I do believe we are fortunate that we live in a country where, in general, the nation is caring and supportive, where we have education for all, where we have the NHS, where we have social benefits for those who fall behind and where corruption, when discovered, is dealt with and punished.

    I think the author of the linked article makes some valid points. But nothing new, and offers no ideas for progressing.

    My old dad could tell some stories about 'not being in it together' based on his siblings in service and his military experiences during the war.

    Even during my working life I soon realised that Professionals did the work and Aministrators made the decisions.
    I always wondered why it was not the other way round

    Whoops! Notavirusalso, you nearly got me up on my soapbox again. ha ha

  3. #3
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    Good old human nature.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Notavirusalso's Avatar
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    Thnks Terpe, I like you, Some one who can see the $h1t we are swimming in as opposed to them whom are brainwashed in to thinking that the whiff from the sewers is a nice rosie odor. But in my humble opinion the worst ones are them who think they are part of the solution and dont realise they are in the same muck as everyone else, It may be a bit shallower but when the flush is pulled they still get covered.
    Last edited by Notavirusalso; 13th August 2011 at 17:29. Reason: typo ofcourse
    Yes, I can spell, Just can't tpye

  5. #5
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Terpe regularly makes a lot of sense . For me it is quite simple, short of giving up my career (27 years of it) and standing for election I cannot see how I can change things for the better (whatever better may be) so I have made a conscious and reasoned decision to look at all options open to me for bringing up my family and providing what I hope will be a firm platform for them to go on and succeed in what they want to do. That MAY mean leaving here and living somewere else. It may be that we stay here in the UK.

    Yes it does anger me when I see gross injustices (as perceived in my mind due to my upbringing) and I do believe that I do not allow mass media to control my thinking. Yes we ll need information/data on which to make our judgements and all sources have a particular slant/agenda. You just have to sit and think about how you interpret that information based on your belief sytems and life experiences.

    at the end of the day I am fundamentally more capitalist than socialist however that is by product of a calvinistic work ethic instilled in me by a strict protestant upbringing. I do believe that you have to work for what you get and that hard work will lead to a better future for me and my family. If that makes me more prone to being conned by my employers who just make money from my efforts, then so be it.

    I am with you when you state that there are many people out there who do not think about and form their own opinions but just go with the flow as it were, but then I was educated to debate, reason and challenge.

    The same people that read the Sun and OK magazine unfortunately seem to be in the majority and I guess your point about them easy to manipulate is valid. Just keep feeding them drivel and dumbed down arguements and they will be happy enough.

    it is a shame though and I do wonder just how many people are represented by shows like Jeremy Kyle. does he get more viewers than Panorama will tonight?

    Wow I must be bored this afternoon.... better go and do some work for my manipulative thieving employer LOL
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

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