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Thread: HELP..Can I apply for Settlement VISA immediately after the wedding?

  1. #1
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    HELP..Can I apply for Settlement VISA immediately after the wedding?

    I have been reading on successful posts here and I thought I would join as some of you can probably help me I am currently here in the UK but on a Family Visit Visa, I met my English boyfriend here and we've been dating for over 2mos already. Unfortunately my VISA will soon expire by the end of next month and my boyfriend and I are planning to get married in the Philippines so I can apply for a Settlement Visa this year.

    Question is can I apply for a settlement visa right after our wedding?

  2. #2
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome to the forum

    As long as you got all the papers ready to apply for settlement visa after the wedding then you are good to go.
    Papers are the SECPA marriage certificate from NSO which is the most important document you will need in applying for settlement after wedding.

    Congratulations in advance
    Life as we make it

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamghee View Post
    I have been reading on successful posts here and I thought I would join as some of you can probably help me I am currently here in the UK but on a Family Visit Visa, I met my English boyfriend here and we've been dating for over 2mos already. Unfortunately my VISA will soon expire by the end of next month and my boyfriend and I are planning to get married in the Philippines so I can apply for a Settlement Visa this year.

    Question is can I apply for a settlement visa right after our wedding?
    Hi there iamghee, welcome to the forum.

    As purple has said, just as long as you've got all the supporting documents together.

    You will need to convince the ECO that the relationship is genuine so better start putting something together now while you are both here.

    Take a look here and review the key requirements especially financial and accomodation:-

    Good luck.

  4. #4
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    Hi Purple and thanks for welcoming me. I am still a bit confused though because on the checklist required for settlement visa, it says we need to supply a bank statement from up to 6months. Do we need to open a joint account or something when I go back to the Philippines. and are you on a spouse visa as well living in the UK (just wondering ;p) I hope you can help me )

  5. #5
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    Hi there Terpe ;p been reading every bits of information already in the website you posted but i'm still worried that they want a 6mos financial record, like what i've asked earlier, is it essential that we have a joint account because my boyfriend has bank statements and all that and also he is declared self-employed at the moment, will his work status be a problem?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamghee View Post
    Hi there Terpe ;p been reading every bits of information already in the website you posted but i'm still worried that they want a 6mos financial record, like what i've asked earlier, is it essential that we have a joint account because my boyfriend has bank statements and all that and also he is declared self-employed at the moment, will his work status be a problem?
    From what you've said, your b/f now will be your husband or maybe fiance then. HE will be your sponsor and it is he that will need to provide all the financial and other evidence, not you. So he will need to provide 6 months bank statements etc.
    (do not show any overdrawn banks statements)

    The work status of your b/f fiance husband will not present any problems at all provided he can still clearly show that he has sufficient disposable income to allow the support of an additional adult consumer in his accommodation.

    Hope that helps

  7. #7
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Make sure that you future husband have enough finances to support you here without course to public funds.

    That's what ECO will be after. I remember a friend of mine whose wife is English but claiming benefits here in UK (not working) so when he applied for Spouse Settlement Visa.. obviously it got turned down. It is your future husband's financial/employment status with enough disposable income, relationship with him and place for you to stay here in UK that will help convince the ECO to grant you a visa.
    Life as we make it

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