Is that possible that the man that I married here in the UK is married abroad? please enlighten me...
Is that possible that the man that I married here in the UK is married abroad? please enlighten me...
Im sure he is not a member here because he is not into social networking, we filed visa for my extension here to stay. Im just wondering if he is married why is it my fiance visa was approved? and why is it we got married without any hassles to the home office i.e. regarding his status? by the way, I just arrive here in the UK.
home office easily finds it out if either of you have previous marriage...unless previous marriage was a fake & not registered. Always check the registration number in your marriage contract. That's a proof that it's genuine. Mostly fake marriage contract w/o registration numbers are invalid.
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SHUT UP!. Simple.
Blimey, it gets more like the old 'News of the World' on here every day.
Welcome Maricel.![]()
lol he is not a muslim and he doesnt have any religion either. Im quiet confused if the home office will investigate thoroughly about the applicants background before he/she can marry to another again? As for me, you cant just easily marry here in the UK unless you can comply all the necessary requirements. Does the Certificate of No Impedement is enough that he is not legally married to another woman abroad? Lets just say he got married in Mexico, Cuba, Philippines etc etc will it be recognized here in UK? He mentioned to me before that he had fiancee in a long term relationship abroad and visited many times there. I hope they didnt came up into this marriage thing before because we just recently married here in the UK.
I'm totally confused by this - - your status says Single but in post # 1 you state "man that I married" - are you now divorced ? If you suspect him to be a bigamist you should contact the Police
hello and Welcome to you Maricel,
where is all this suspicion of thinking he is married comming from ?, did he say he was to you
Nothing, I just read some of the forum that some are bigamist. Its suddenly appears in my mind that thoughts since he always travel to other country before we have met, much better know it earlier rather than finding it later . I love him so much and so does he to me. I only want to have a direct answer on my questions.
Can anyone answer my question please? Thanks for the welcome Farmerg.
Married to two separate pinays? With their attendant tampo and monthly mood swings? The mans a martyrJust ask him,isnt that the simplest solution?
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.
If he is ''legally'' married in other country then that marriage will also be recognized in the UK did u managed to get a visa? if he is married and wants to marry again?? your making it all complicated, if its just a suspicion without any proof to hold on, stop it...not a good start for your relationship!!
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
there doesnt seem to be any valid reason to think so,
i dont mean to offend you, but if you dont trust him then it doesnt say much for a happy relationship
I did answer your question in the very first reply.
Yes ,It is possible that he can do that.
It's also possible he can have multiple identities.
But why are you asking?
What makes you feel he is previously married?
If you have any real suspicion or evidence why not contact the police.
I still find it an odd question.
Is this just another wind-up I ask myself?
Of course, he doesnt have any other multiple identities its just my suspicion at all. Im also looking an answer for this questions, this is my previous message above >>Im quiet confused if the home office will investigate thoroughly about the applicants background before he/she can marry to another again? As for me, you cant just easily marry here in the UK unless you can comply all the necessary requirements. Does the Certificate of No Impedement is enough that he is not legally married to another woman abroad?
the Certificate of No Impedement,is as much as i am aware the proof that there is no marrage,
records must be checked to make sure the person is not married before issue of that certificate,
if i am wrong what i say, im sure someone here will correct me
so is that means, that the legal marriage in ALL Countries will be automatically recognized here in the UK? He mentioned to me he visited many times in PHilippines, Mexico, Cuba, Spain and many more I forgot some of the countries he visited but are the Countries that I have mentioned above will be recognized automatically in here?
I did not say he had multiple identities. I said it's possible he could IF he wanted.
Also its possible he could be already married abroad. I did not say he was I just said its possible.
If he declares he is single then it's accepted here. He does NOT need proof.
He does not need to produce any CNI for marriage in UK.
As a very friendly help and support I still enquire why you are asking?
Its just my curiosity at all, Im always worried that I will end up into a bad relationship again as I have experienced before with my previous x-bfs and now that I am married woman and very happy with him. Im so contented. Its just me that I have some questions in my mind and makes me bother all the time (what if this will happen to me) thats why I came up into this lovely forum. I dont know why it suddenly came up into this question maybe Im so paranoid about reading in breaking up relationships lol. Sorry for asking a lot of questions.
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